I've been given a dosage of 25-75mg. I'm 23 and have been on Seroquel for just over 3 months now. I apparently called 2 friends today morning in my sleep, and one of my clients... Only thing I said to my friend was "mmmmmm", I was mumbling and sounded very tried apparently. Is there a reason to why I picked up my phone and called her and my client in the midst of my sleep??
I've been on Seroquel 25-75mg for 3 months now. But I call people in my sleep??
Question posted by Carlos89 on 18 Aug 2012
Last updated on 5 September 2012
Thank you all for your answers. I truly appreciate it. (:
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7 Answers
Hello Carlos89, I also experienced calling people when asleep while on seroquel. My husband told me I was very active when I slept, he said I would talk in my sleep, walk in my sleep, I would sometimes keep a good conversation going, other times didn't make sense, and wow what vivid dreams. It did help me sleep really good though. I find it to be a crazy drug, but very interesting. Lol.
Best to you and your experience with seroquel, however, if it bothers you talk to your dr. about maybe changing to another medicine.
Take care... pamee
Heya, I really don't know about the talking/walking in my sleep thing, I live alone so no one around to actually tell me what I do in my sleep haha, but everything in reality seems fine so I'm guessing all is going well!(Except the phone calls ;p)
Thanks for your answer. :)
Hello Carlos, has everything worked out with the seroquel?
Hi Carlos89!! Like some of the other posts have said, this is not unusual... I used to take Ambien and actually stopped taking it because I would get up in the middle of the night and eat and not remember it, I would wake my Fiance and son up in the middle of the night and have strange conversations with them and then not remember it the next morning, and the thing that stopped me from taking it was that one night I actually tried to drive!!! Thank God my son heard me get up and start the car!! If he wouldn't have woke my fiance up and they both came out before I drove off god knows what could have happened!!! Seroquel is a Hypnotic just like Ambien and Lunesta, and they can make you do strange things, your best bet is to tell your doctor what happened and see if he or she can give you one of the older drugs for sleep. I hope this helps... Good Luck! :)
Wow.. That's insane. Thankfully nothing serious happened to you. Really hope I don't get up in the middle of the night and drive off.. Now you're just scaring me! :P But yeh, I think my doctor is my best choice for now.
Thanks for your answer. (:
Hi carlos,
I have also been on sequel 25 during the day & 200 at night & I would wake up talking & wake my partner up as well id be yelling at him for whatever reason & he was asleep not doing anything. It has caused us some sleepless night. I am no longer on it but I will have to agree with pledge u may need ur dose adjusted or a different medication.
Different medications don't do me well, I have lots of allergies to many different kinds of medication, so I found Seroquel to work on me very well! I'm waiting on my doctor to be back to ask him about my dosage, and I had a good sleep last night with no trouble, I decided to keep my phone in the living room to avoid strange calls to anyone. Did you end up sleeping well once you went off Seroquel? Or are you on a different medication now?
I am now on abilify & I still have vivid dreams but nothing like what I was having before. I wish I could not take any medication but I can't.
Hi, i've experienced really vivid dreams and waking myself up by talking in my sleep since i started taking Seroquel (XR) a couple of years ago. I have heard it is quite common, as Pledge has said it is a side effect of the medication. I guess you need to weigh up the pro's and con's of continuing with it. For me, i can deal with the side effects as i believe the medication is really helping my BPD. Sorry i can't be of more help...
I forgot to add, i wake up nearly every day not knowing where i am, even though i am more often than not waking in my own bed! And i also keep thinking i am waking late and i am going to be late for work or miss my shift, and i don't even work. Weird hey : )
Seems like the main pro in this is my comfort in sleeping, I have no trouble, and I sleep like a baby at night, and I don't mind the strange dreams that come along with it. I've felt like a different person ever since I started it, but hey, every medication has a side effect to it, just gotta learn to deal with it I guess. :)
I take 150-300mg for insomnia & my dreams also are so realistic & lifelike that there have been times that I've woken up in the am & thought for a few seconds that they really took place until I ponder them for about a minute & realize I was dreaming. Not that I wish this on anybody else, it is actually a relief that I'm not the only one who experiences this! Lol. My husband has thought after I've taken it at night that I seem drunk like & that I insist to continue doing whatever activity I had been doing as the seroquel kicks in. I've finally convinced him that the Seroquel is the culprit but that other than these weird anomolies, its still the best med for my insomnia as I've tried everything else. Good luck & thanks for sharing!
Hehe, glad I'm not the only one on this boat! It does REALLY help me sleep comfortably, I sleep like a baby at night and I've had trouble sleeping for many years now. I slept last night with no trouble at all (: Just odd dreams but hey I got used to those.
Thanks for your responce. :)
I do this too, and I'm not taking it. I would not worry about this so much, just so long as you're not getting dressed and driving to these friends' houses in your sleep I would say you're ok. Hope this helps.
I guess you're right, it could have been worse. Luckily I didn't really speak and just mumbled. :P I think I'll keep my phone away from me if it happens again, and resort to an alarm clock to wake me up in the mornings!
Ya never know, you may dial and become the winner of a Pizza!
Hello Carlos89. That is not that unusual. Seroquel has hypnotic qualities to the drug and it happens. If you find it continues on a regular basis, talk to your doctor. Either your dose might be adjusted reduced (your dose is low). If that doesn't work out for you, you might have to go on another medication. There are options. Best of wishes, pledge
Hm, guess you're right. Just found it really weird to actually unlock my phone and dial people.. Strange part was, the woman I called was in my dream around the same time I called.(I woke up around 10:40 and dialed her at 10:32, last I remember in my dream before I woke up was her). I'm still waiting on my doctor to get back from vacation, he's been gone for 2 months :| so hoping he'll be back soon lol.
Thanks for your answer.
You are welcome. I was on Seroquel some years ago. Replaced it with Remeron. Both major sleep/dream inducing drugs. My dreams are so lifelike its scarey in as much as upon awakening I can or could swear an oath that it was reality. It has happened to me, but more the sleep walking type of thing. Have a great weekend now, pledge
Ah I can relate.. I have a friend that got arrested. I once dreamt that he called me and told me to meet him in a certain area, when I awoke, I was SO excited, I got dressed, brushed my teeth, grabbed my keys, and just before I left my house I realised "Wait... Don't tell me.." Haha, Seroquel tricked me yet again! It is scary, but as well kinda interesting I must admit. :P Thanks and have a great weekend too. (:
Related topics
seroquel, bipolar disorder, insomnia, sleep disorders, sleep, dosage
Further information
- Seroquel uses and safety info
- Seroquel prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Seroquel (detailed)
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