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Results for 'Cymbalta Pain Panic Disorder Fibromyalgia Neuralgia Medication Nerve Disorder'

Is Cymbalta safe to take?

I suffer from panic disorder and nerve pain. I'm so scared to take medication but I need help. I have... read more

Postherpetic Neuralgia - New Gallixa cream… useful for PHN?

Dear all My mother is a 77 years old sufferer of PHN who has been trying obediently all the range of drugs (Gabapentin-Neurontin... nerve... read more

How to manage bloating on Lyrica?

I am trying to manage my sodium. Also drinking lots of water. I noticed warm water is better because cold water makes it worse. Does Gas-x pills... read more

Do many people experience Lyrica side effects such as lack of concentration, short-term memory...

... loss forgetfulness or other cognitive changes?

How long does Lyrica stay in your system?

Can you stop Lyrica cold turkey?

Can Gabapentin stop the progression of nerve damage?

I have Trigeminal Neuropathy as well as nerve damage in both legs not due to diabetes. It just mysteriously happened. Now my arms and hands... read more

Efficacy of Cymbalta vs duloxetine?

I suffer from nerve pain resulting from a failed back surgery. Recently I noticed that my pharmacy had substituted duloxetine for the... read more

What is the best medication for nerve damage pain?

Car accident left whole left side of my body with nerve damage.

Will neurontin and gabapentin help with numbness in fingers due to diabetic nerve damage?

I am experiencing numbness and tingling in both my hands, more concentrated on the right, especially the middle finger tip. This is due to diabetes.... read more

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