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Results for 'Diovan Hives Urticaria Side Effect High Blood Pressure'

High Blood Pressure - Valsartan and Nebivolol male sexual side effects??

I take Nebivolol with Valsartan and wondering if anyone has any kinda sexual side effects like ED? Thanks

Does certain medication cause hives on skin?

I tend to get hives when I get hot or go in the sun. I noticed when I don't take my blood pressure pills (amlodipine) the... read more

Tri-Sprintec - could this be causing my chronic hives, anyone else had chronic hives?

Im a 28 year old female and for about two years I have been battling with chronic hives. I am allergic to some stuff that my allergist and I... read more

Hives vs Rash - What's the difference between them?

I quit taking Lisinopril several months ago due to my blood pressure becoming extremely low(85/58)?

... with my doctors blessing. It has been fine (120/78) since then but seem to have gained a lot of weight for no reason... Could this be a... read more

Can Omeprazole over the counter capsules cause high blood pressure?

I've never had high blood pressure in my life. I'm 48 years old. Today, I had my blood pressure checked... read more

How to treat A fib and high blood pressure together?

Being given Tiazac with Loasartan htcz plus Atenolol but combination lowered heart rate to the 40's. Taken off Atenolol, heart rate rises to... read more

Does taking trazodone cause high blood pressure?

Just asking. I had a coworker ask. She said, she took trazodone and her blood pressure went up. I thought people (not common) that took... read more

High Blood Pressure - Losartan ?

My mother who has been taking Losartan 100 mg alongside Amlopidene 10 mg for the last 9 years has been told by her GP they are stopping the Losartan... read more

High Blood Pressure - Seems like my heart rate goes down while taking Metoprolol 25mg and?

... hydrochlorot 25mg around 55 to 50... I do not get dizzy and feel fine... Doctor isn't worried about it... just wondering if anyone else does... read more

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