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Results for 'Coreg Coreg CR Carvedilol Dosage Generic Atrial Fibrillation Congestive Heart Failure High Blood Pressure'

Is carvedilol same as clopidogrel?

I am taking carvedilol and clopidogrel. Are they the same medicine?

Best substitute for carvedilol?

What other safer drugs than Lasix can I take for congestive heart failure?

I take Lasix for Congestive Heart Failure. I have heard that there are safer drugs than Lasix. Can?. anyone give me some names... read more

Carvedilol - I've developed a severe rash,itching,and a change in urine.(more frequent,and very?

... little even though I feel like I have to really really have to go.What do I need to do?

Can I take carvedilol, amlodipine & hydralazine together?

To lower blood pressure.

Can Cialis be taken with Carvedilol?

I am prescribed Carvedilol for high blood pressure and have a free sample of Cialis, will it interact or is it safe?

Should you drink a lot of water when taking Lasix?

When is the best time to take lisinopril?

I'm on a lot of meds. Can lowering my dose of Lasix help?

Can I get better numbers by lowering my Lasix by 80mg

High blood pressure - why does my bisoprolol lower my heart rate but doesn't control BP well?

But my Xanax brings it right down. It's like my Xanax controls my BP and my bisoprolol just lowers my heart rate?

Spironolactone - When should I take this medication? early in the morning or just before bedtime?

I am 77 and I have been diagnosed with heart failure and heart attack. My doctor prescribed Aldactazide 25mg with other BP drugs... read more

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