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Results for 'Pain Neuralgia Ketamine Surgery'

Anyone tried ketamine for anxiety?

I have treatment resistant anxiety and nightmares. I’ve tried SSRIs and SNRI along with buspirone and clonazepam. While the benzo helps,... read more

Ketamine treatment questions. Help please?

I have been dealing with depression off and on for about ten years now. In the last six months it has become worse. The last two months have been... read more

My son is undergoing ketamine IV therapy for his depression.

He is doing OK, has had some improvement, but not as much as I had hoped. He is still suffering from his depression. He has finished 6 infusions.... read more

How does ketamine show up in a UA?

If I take ketamine and then take a UA, what will it show up as?

Ketamine for Depression?

Has anyone tried the ketamine infusions for depression. If so, would you please share your experience? I'm interested, but there is very... read more

How fast did your trigeminal neuralgia come on and what do you think caused it?

How fast did your pain start, especially if it was severe? My trigeminal neuralgia came on severely within 2 days. The pain was... read more

Neuralgia - Can anticonvulsants cause neuralgic pain worse?

I read on another forum that anticonvulsants, such as Neurontin or Lyrica, can actually make neuralgic pain worse in some cases. I'm... read more

How long before surgery should Xarelto be stopped?

Postherpetic Neuralgia - New Gallixa cream… useful for PHN?

Dear all My mother is a 77 years old sufferer of PHN who has been trying obediently all the range of drugs (Gabapentin-Neurontin... nerve blocking... read more

Postherpetic Neuralgia - Has anyone had success with curing their PHN?

I have tried many medications/treatments... Topamax, Lyrica, Famvir, Carbatrol, Carbatrol + Baclofen, and acupuncture. None have worked. I have had... read more

Lyrica - Trigeminal Neuralgia Dose?

Just started Lyrica 75mg/2x per day and not feeling any relief. Any suggestions for pain control?

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