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Results for 'Coreg Coreg CR Carvedilol Dosage Generic Atrial Fibrillation Congestive Heart Failure High Blood Pressure'

What causes sudden increase In blood pressure, systolic & diastolic?

My husband is on lisinopril every day with a usual BP of 125/68. He is tonight having 2 readings over an hour apart of 176/75 & 292/121 &... read more

Is there a sublingual blood pressure med or a liquid form?

My husband has a very difficult time swallowing. He has high blood pressure but can no longer swallow his pill. I'm worried... read more

Looking for some advice which is the best blood pressure medication to take along with buspirone?

I'm wondering what is the best blood pressure medication to take when I'm taking buspirone 10 mg for inside a disorders I... read more

Does Sotalol AF lower blood pressure?

Metoprolol - I went to cardiologist for heart palpitations and while there my blood pressure was?

... elevated 158/88. This is abnormal for me my blood pressure it usually on the low side of normal, 100/60. Doctor didn't have... read more

I had a eGFR blood test of 56, should I be concerned?

All my other blood tests were in normal range, I'm 36 and otherwise healthy. It was a fasting test, when I looked back on last years... read more

I take sotalol 80mg and coreg. I always feel tired. Anybody else?

I also had AFIB but had 2 ablations and fine now with meds. Besides tiredness sometimes I get heart palpatations. My Dr. says side effect from... read more

Are bananas safe with coreg?

us the potassium content in bananas compatible with coreg?

Is coreg causing my hairloss?

I started taking coreg in Feb.,2011. Three months later I could see a difference in my hair. Now the loss is quite noticeable to... read more

Can I take Cialis while taking Coreg?

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