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Results for 'Diovan Hives Urticaria Side Effect High Blood Pressure'

Should I take Repatha given the side effects?

I am 75 years old and haves been advised by three cardiologists to take Repatha for High Cholesterol. Currently it is 225. A1C is 6.4 No drug... read more

What are the side effects of beta blockers?

How bad are the side effects if I stop taking lisinopril?

I have only been on it for about a week and the side effects are horrible. Nausea, headaches, very dizzy, hard time standing and working. I... read more

What is this drug for and the side effects?

Simvastatin. Is it for high blood pressure or what

How long do side effects last once you stop taking ramipril?

Hi, I’ve been prescribed ramipril 2.5 mg by my GP for high blood pressure but stopped taking after 1 week due to severe... read more

Allegra vs. Allegra Hives?

Allegra Hives is a new OTC medicine which is currently very hard to get in my area. I spoke to a pharmacist to see what the difference is in... read more

Has anyone experienced hair loss when taking Losartan?

I'm losing hair on the top of my head and the only thing I can attribute it to is a change in my blood pressure meds. Last fall my... read more

High Blood Pressure - substitute for amlodipine?

i am taking amlodipine for bp. working ok, but there is swelling on my feet. even when i take water pill. any other substitute for amlodipine. will... read more

If I have high blood pressure should I stop taking Adderall?

High blood pressure runs in my family. With failed attempts at lowering it through diet and exercise, I'm considering... read more

High Blood Pressure - What can I take besides coricidan HBP for sinus pain and congestion ?

That won't raise my blood pressure. I'm currently taking Clonidine and Metoprolol

Mirena - High Blood Pressure and edema? I have edema on my lower legs and feet, dizziness and...

... high blood pressure about the rate of 150+ which never goes down. I dont use any drugs, I am 45 year old and have had my... read more

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