So I’m not on the pill or had used a condom and was sexually intimate with somebody (no intercourse but genitals touching without clothes bc no contraception). The next day I took plan b. For 3 days had no symptoms or anything but now I’m feeling super nauseous every morning, faint, headaches, pretty much every single pregnancy symptom but am not sure when my last period was / when to expect it so very scared. It’s only been about a week since I was intimate. I’ve been stressing so much
I am scared I am pregnant?
Question posted by mesoly on 1 March 2022
Last updated on 1 March 2022
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
It's too soon for pregnancy symptoms. These will be side effects from Plan B.
That doesn't say the Plan B worked, but, just that you took a huge dose of artificial hormone.
It sounds like your chances of pregnancy are low, though, under the given circumstances (not impossible, but low).
If you ever do have an emergency, though, I suggest using the other emergency pill, called, Ella (Ulipristal Acetate). It is better for those who have irregular periods, as it is the only pill proven can prevent pregnancy during the 24 hours around ovulation itself (although, even that pill isn't guaranteed to work, every time). If you don't know where you are in your menstrual cycle, then it is probably a safer bet, if available where you are.
You can see this information on the Ella website.
You may also want to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
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plan b one-step, emergency contraception, contraception, pregnancy, sex, condom, birth control pills, pill
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