I know some.one who gives their 9 month old baby melatonin every day he sleeps almost all day long minutes the two hours he spends crying .the parents don't give him any attention at all barley changing his diaper maybe twice a day.when he is awake he looks completely lethargic and unresponsive .please tell me if this.can do damage to him.
Is it safe for a 9 month old baby to take Melatonin?
Question posted by hotshondra805 on 27 June 2014
Last updated on 26 October 2020
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
13 Answers
It's obvious that they have not asked the pediatrician or read up on melatonin.melatonin is not harmful at all it's a natural substance we have melatonin in out body's naturally.i have asked my pediatrician about it for my son and he says it is a great substance to use for children.these people are saying some one needs to call child protection services on the people that they are talking about ..I bet that they are using it now on their children or child ..some people love to judge before knowing the whole story or facts .the commenter just ask one question and these people went to far . you wouldnt want no one to call them on you because everyone in the world have a different way of dealing with their children.as long as the baby is not being abused or starved or any other type of way harmful to the baby ..you people need to stop ..
No one should be "dealing" with their baby in this manner. If the baby is sleeping 22 hours a day and cries the only 2 hours it is awake then something is wrong and the parents should be seeking advice from their pediatrician at the very least. A baby should be changed more than 2 times a day. In my professional opinion, it sounds like it may have been overwhelming for the parents and/or it may have been difficult for them to adjust to parenting life. In any case, the situation described is abnormal. People here are concerned for the baby's welfare and it sounds like they might be rightfully so. The original poster would be the one best positioned to make the decision of whether or not calling CPS/DCFS/DHS is the appropriate route to take here or if simply talking to the parents about seeking professional help is enough. I'm not sure what constitutes as abuse for you but this doesn't sound like a safe environment for a baby from the information given.
I've been told by doctors that melatonin is safe for babies if absolutely needed. That being said, it sounds like this baby is either getting way too much or they are lying about what they are giving him to sleep. I take melatonin myself and have had to give it to my 2 year old on occasion and it has never made us super sleepy or lethargy but has made is easier for us to fall asleep naturally. It sounds like maybe they are giving something like ZQuil which can make you sleepy and lethargic.
You know I thought I read the whole thing ..they might be giving the baby to much ..but all the rest I said was true ..they really don't know the whole story and some people make more out of things than they really are
I agree that IT IS very safe for a child or baby older than 6-9 months being that it is all natural and is the same chemical the brain produces to sleep. BUT just because something is natural doesn't mean you cant use it recklessly. First off keep in mind that there isn't much known about the effect of a long term use and when you think about it from a common sense view obviously you can not use it over exessively because it could have long term damage like dependence or sleep disorders. Both my children have serious issues sleeping, and in order to get them in a good scheduling and a well rested night, we sometimes give it to them for a week or two at a time every night before bed. My 9 month old takes Less than 1 mg and my 3 year old son takes 1.5 ...
Totally low doseages!!! After the two weeks are over they both stay on a healthy schedule and go to sleep on bed time! I occasionally use it to correct patterns or for a deeper sleep with a cold or something like that. BUT In this situation it sounds very scary, and from a experienced parent who uses it I feel like it will be very dangerous to give to such a small child high doses at a constant rate. That is definitely abuse and something needs to be done!!! I'm sad now...
My Pediatrician recommended that I give my 10 month old son, .25 mg of melatonin before bed. I don't know if I should?
I know people who have given their 6 month olds melatonin and it doesn't affect them like that at all it's actually completely safe is an all natural substance. I've taken it myself for years and will be giving it to my daughter if I think she needs it.
I had a CPS worker tell me SHE gives Melatonin to her niece who was 6 mths old. I have seen Baby Melatonin sold in stores here in the States. Melatonin is absolutely safe to give to babies. Of corse, it doesn't substitute caring for baby or engaging lil one. Anything can be abused... which MAY be the case here. But if given CORRECTLY, Melatonin can actually HELP lil ones develop and maintain better sleep patterns
But how many mg did she give? Some ppl say it's healthy sorm ppl say no but I'm desperate n idk what else to try but I don't wanna give her anything that will be too much... Idk what the lady with her 9th month old was talking about but I've been researching this same topic n am wondering what a healthy dosage would be good. I got the 5mg gummies but am scared to give her any yet til I know for sure.
As a full-grown adult, I only take 3mg. Melatonin is considered safe but I would only give an infant (under 1 yr) .25mg. Also melatonin will only cause drowsiness to fall asleep... it wont keep them asleep necessarily. Lastly, this should be an occassional thing to get the sleep schedule back on track or combat jet lag, etc. It should not be used regularly for three reasons- we dont know what harm long term use may cause, it will eventually prevent the user from falling alseep without it, and if you overdose you may actually cause alertness... the opposite effect! You can encourage your own bodies natural production of melatonin (in humans older than 2 months) by getting enough sunlight each day. I am not a Dr. I've just researched the topic a bit. Use at your own risk.
I don't think I've ever felt as concerned about any other question like I am
this one. We are talking about the present and future health of an innocent child. Please do the right thing and call children's services.
What are you literally mental? Check your facts before commenting some pointless nonsense like this.
You should contact the Child Protection Agency or Social Services! It is not safe for a baby to receive melatonin. If you report this, your identity will be kept secret. Think about the baby's welfare and how you would feel if this infant died from such a terrible incident! I know you will do the right thing...
I feel this baby is in harms way..no child should be sedated like this/ even if the mom has pnd what about the dad he has to no that the child is being sedated/ sleeping all day..it's not normal nor healthy for the child... Child Protective Services definitely needs to be contacted GOD forbid something happens to this poor boy..if it were me I would be on the phone talking confidential to them..but that's me what you decide you think is right in the best interest for the child is your decision..maybe talk to the parents/ tell them you feel it is not safe nor healthy for the child contact other family members and make them aware..this has to be what you feel is right in your heart..they can tell you to mind your business..so be prepared..sending prayers that poor child's way that he get's the love/ attention he deserves..
Someone needs to notify childrens protective services (CPS in the US). This needs to be investigated. This could be considered abusive and neglectful behavior!
Hello hotShondra,
No it is not safe for the baby to have melatonin. As sad as it is, it has become an increasingly popular solution to achieve sleep for infants and a desired bedtime for babies and young children. The supplement is not regulated and the effects on a baby/child’s development are largely unknown. The long-term safety data is simply not there. I am very concerned about this baby and parents alike. Something must be done ASAP. This is a serious situation this baby is in. If you are able to communicate with the parents without them feeling its none of your business then do so, if not then you need to call child protective services or some kind of help for the safety of this baby. All what is happening is very dysfunctional and possibly this mother and father of the baby doesn't want the burden of a young baby for many reasons unknown to anyway so please seek help right away for the sake of this precious baby.
Please keep us updated,
A 9 mo old baby does not need sedation. Sounds like he's being drugged so he won't disturb her. I think I'd be calling childrens services.
This sounds like a very dysfunctional and dangerous family situation! Are you close enough to the parents to talk with them or do you know friends or family members of the couple who could find out what is going on here? The parents may be suffering (mum with PND perhaps?) and need help? Someone NEEDS to intervene here, i am genuinely concerned about the health of the baby. Can i ask which country you live in? So i can get an idea of support systems available?
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sleep disorders, barley, melatonin, sleep, baby, sleep disorder
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