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Is Rituxan as a maintenance drug considered a chemotherapy drug?


Marvell 19 Jan 2013

Rituxan is definitely a chemotherapy drug.

Rituxan (rituximab) is a cancer medication that interferes with the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body.

Rituxan is used to treat non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia. This medicine is also used in combination with another drug called methotrexate to treat symptoms of adult rheumatoid arthritis.

Rituxan is also used in combination with steroid medicines to treat certain rare disorders that cause inflammation of blood vessels and other tissues in the body.

Votes: +0
babcia 19 Jan 2013

.Thanks. I'm caring for my elderly sister whose diagnosis is follicular b-cell lymphoma. She's now on Rituxan maintenance. She is comfortable saying to everyone that she's "done my chemo... only maintenance". There's no point in changing her mind. I just needed my interpretation confirmed for questions from family and friends. Again, very helpful.

Marvell 20 Jan 2013

She would have finished the induction chemo, which is the intensive cycles as part of the protocol. She is obviously in remission now but this maintenance phase of the chemotherapy is also extremely important.

crismis41 23 Dec 2016

Rituxan is NOT a chemotherapy drug, it's a monoclonal antibody.

crismis41 23 Dec 2016

RITUXAN is not chemotherapy. RITUXAN is a type of antibody therapy that can be used alone or with chemotherapy. They work in different ways to find and attack the cells where cancer starts. RITUXAN targets and attaches to the CD20 protein found on the surface of blood cells with cancer and some healthy blood cells. free discount card

Related topics

rituxan, non-hodgkin's lymphoma, follicular lymphoma, maintenance

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