Haven't been sleeping well of late which is highly unusual for me, but anyway just started taking Restoril last night. 15mgs kept me alseep for 4 hours then awake, though I was able to go back to sleep. I awoke with a headache. Is this a common side effect? Took 30mgs tonight to see if I can sleep through the night. Worried that I won't be able to wake up in time for work. Your experiences: pros and cons, grately appreciated.
Restoril (temazepam) for sleep. Pros and cons?
Question posted by LaurieShay on 2 July 2012
Last updated on 19 June 2018 by pillfreed
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
12 Answers
Don't get hooked on Temazepam. I have been trying to wean myself off this drug for 5 months. It is difficult, but I will get there.
I have been on temazepam for a few months now after all the z-class drugs (ambien, lunesta, sonata) gave me horrible memory issues. With temaz, it wasn't until I got to 45mg that it finally worked for me to keep me asleep all night. I can't fathom how this stuff works for anyone at lower doses. Sometimes I take 60mg and wake up perfectly refreshed, no memory issues or side effects whatsoever knock on wood. 15mg temaz is like .5mg xanax. That's hardly anything when you are dealing with major or even semi-major issues.
However, my doc did suggest I take a drug "holiday" once a month, which I do. This may or may not keep my tolerance low, but personally temaz works for me night after night regardless. Withdraw isn't terrible, maybe 3 days of slight nausea and blahness, this is after maybe 2-3 days of tapering down from 45 to 30 for two nights then 15 for two nights, then nothing. I'll pop a .25mg xanax if I get nauseous, which works great.
My issue has always been staying asleep. Temaz has the perfect half-life for me. Probably the best "drug" I've taken. No euphoria or warm fuzzies, just sleep. Nothing OTC worked for me either.
Temaz seems a little less effective since I started 300mg Wellbutrin in the morning, but I don't plan to be on that for long. Fyi in case anyone is on that combo.
Oh Laurie, I have been on Seroquel. I am bi-polar, and that is a favorite starting drug. It really knocked me out and felt drugged all the next day.
And I gained Over 50 lbs. before the end. But everybody is different.
Hope my experience doesn't bum you out..Only sharing.
I'm on a loew dose, only 25 to 50mgs, so didn't make me drugged the next day, thank goodness. I'm bipolar too, so I know how meds can cause weight gain. Thanks for the heads up!!
I do have to say that prescription sleep aids have really changed since the 80's and 90's... when I first started having problems with insomnia I was given Secanol, (not sure if it's spelled right), but it is a strong barbituate... they even gave this to me in the hospital when I had Braxton Hicks, (false labor) when I was pregnant with my daughter... that stuff does help you sleep... I slept for 2 days straight and still felt drugged and sleep on the 3rd day!! It is also highly addictive! I know ppl who are to this day addicted to this stuff... it sux that they can't find a safe and effective non-addictive sleep aid that works for everyone! but... there are many good sleep aids out there it just takes trying the different sleep aids to find the ones that work best for each person.
I've read all of your responses and I have to say that I have had the same results with this drug! I would go to sleep, but wake up 4 to 5 hours later but most of the time I couldn't go back to sleep and that was always my problem... I can't get to sleep and if I did get to sleep I would wake up way too early and couldn't get back to sleep... IT SUCKS!!! (BTW... it gave me a headache too), My doctor switched me to Ambien... I love it!! when I have problems with sleep it puts me to sleep within 1 hour after I take it and I stay asleep at least 7 hours! BUT ... I DO HAVE SOME SIDE EFFECTS! I don't have these side effects every time I take it and everyone is different ... some ppl have no side effects... but I want to let you kn ow what happens with me and some other ppl so that you can decide of you want to try Ambien and similar sleep aids... I will sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and eat and not remember that I did it the next day.
I have also had conversations with my family and not remembered the next day... it can cause memory loss like that and some people have actually driven in the middle of the night and not remembered it! These side effects are rare, but they can happen ... ambien and similar drugs are Hypnotics and that's why some of these side effects can happen
Thanks for the heads up. My doctor has switched me to Seroquel, so I will see how it goes tonight. Trying to avoid the Ambien or Lunesta route.
Ambien has been my good sleep drug. Restoril was not. It takes different drugs for different people. I enjoy the 6 to 6 1/2 hours I get from the Ambien.
I started out with Ambien and slept really well for 14 days and then nothing so doc gave me the CR version and it never worked, now on Rozarem .. was helping ... now not so much? Headache UGH ... I also have Sonata on hand but haven't really given it much of a try ... might try that one tonight ... I just wanna sleep :(
Temazepam is not a long-acting drug and works best at putting you to sleep but not necessarily keeping you that way.Side-effects can include headaches but more common side-effects are drowsiness,dependence,tolerance and aggressive outbursts the following day.
Although I didn't have the headaches with Restoril I did have the same 4 hours sleep no matter what. With all of the problems I have with meniere's and epstein barr and depression, well 4 hours is simply said not enough. I am now on Ambien. I don't have a problem with getting up, I am awake after 6 hours which is better than 4. Restoril will become ineffective for you I am afraid.
Hello Laurie. Pro, you'll be getting your sleep. Con, its a benzodiazepine. Take care my friend, if all fails I'll give you a wake up call :-0)
Thanks Pledgy. Am wide awake having had only some sleep last night. Oh well... You are welcome to call anyway, lol.
Have a great day Laurie :-0)
Hello Laurie! I still trying to figure out the best comb for me ! But feel so much better! Thank you! Discuss with your doc about taking Zopliclone!!!
Unfortunately Zopliclone is not available in the USA, at least I can't find it. I'll have to investigate the possibilities with my doc. This is definitely not working. Tossed and turned all night and now I'm awake at 5. UGH!! Thanks for the help Marcio!
From the hopeless insomniac: restoril, ambien, barbituates, benzos, chloral hydrate ... nothing helps me sleep for more than one dose. Doesn't matter what the docs do or try (besides a hammer) works. I hope you find something that will help you sleep peacefully. And with out any adverse side effects.
Thanks Hippie chick. Not sure I want to try the hammer method but obviously haven't exhausted the possibilites, Restoril is definitely not working. Was worried I wouldn't awake at 6, well it is 5 and I have been awake on and off all night. Peace and love.
And Laurie,
I had the idea in my crazy head that, if I slept, I would be late for work (got up @ 4 a.m.). Being late was not an option, as too many critically ill people were awaiting my cheerful arrival. Just remembered something that actually worked for me without a morning hangover. Geez...
Ask your doc about Atarax, non-narcotic, no hangover, cheap and for me, worked like a charm... I forgot about it (too much house refurbishing going on). Lamictal helped for a while, but now ... nada. Guess I can get along on 2 hours sleep, wish there was more on TV @ 3 a.m!!!
So ... Voila ma cherie ...
PS: 50 mg works great, hope you get a good nights sleep.
anything ending in "azepam" spells mood, mind altering, addictive. They are basically the same. Withdrawal from benzos is terrible. I had no idea how bad and how dangerous it was to come off massive doses of opiates and benzodiazepine (Lorazepam is what I was prescribed, to help with severe muscle spasms and anxiety) when I did it in 12/2010 after years of back surgeries. Every so often I get to a new level of recovery, and when I look back it scares me to think about that winter. Alcohol and benzodiazepines are the two withdrawals that can actually kill you; opiate withdrawal just makes you wish you would die. Practice good bedroom hygiene add some soothing music or natures sounds, Sleepy Time tea, meditation and eventually you will sleep.
I think I saw another post asking how to come off of them; either medically supervised as an in-patient, or get someone to help follow the suggested gradual withdrawal suggested by the Ashton Manual.
Best of luck!
Thansk for the warnings. My doc wanted me to take for just one week, long enough to establish a good sleep pattern again. Not working so I think I'll forgo the idea.
Glad to hear that, and good for your doctor for limiting it to one week. I got hooked when my kids were 2 and 4; I went "running for the shelter of her mother's little helper" and 20 years later was still on it.
Oh my... If I don't take something I get ZERO quality sleep. It's awful. I did not know about these withdrawal problems.
Laurie ... we build up a tolerance to restoril probably faster than any member of the benzo family. I have sleep disorders due to autoimmune disorders. I don't like to take anything every night but I guarantee that restoril will become ineffective totally in a short time. It's best used maybe 2 or 3 times a week at the MOST!!! More often than that and it won't work. If the sleep problem is really severe you could alternate the 30mg restoril with ambien on different nights and try to put some days in between the dosing. Hope that helps.
My doctor wants me to try for one week, just long enough to re establish some good sleep patterns. Well it hasn't helped so far. Think I'll regroup on this one and see what the doctor has to say. Thanks Robert for the warning.
My experience with this; helps fall asleep and stay for same, 4-hours. Headache, yes. Doubling the dose, same 4 hours, worse headache.
After 3rd week discontinued as the headaches never stopped. Opted to make changes in diet, exercise and schedule which helped the sleep. Hope this helps.
Thanks Balbanese, took 30mgs last night with no luck. I keep a fairly consistent schedule and eat well, execise a little lacking. Think I'll go back to the drawing board on this one.
Sounds good and you're welcome!
I am a lifelong insomniac and have tried it all. I think I am now on the best "roll". I take 30 mg at about 11 and get 6 solid hours of sleep. Tried lower does and only slept fisor a few hours. I exercise 30 minutes a day and never have more than one (pretty large, I'll admit it) cup of coffee EARLY in day. Tried Ambien but only worked for a while and woke up feeling worse than I feel taking this. Find this medication relaxing... other comments??
I am a lifelong insomniac and have tried it all. I think I am now on the best "roll". I take 30 mg at about 11 and get 6 solid hours of sleep. Tried lower dose and only slept for a few hours. I exercise 30 minutes a day and never have more than one (pretty large, I'll admit it) cup of coffee EARLY in day. Tried Ambien but only worked for a while and woke up feeling worse than I feel taking this. Find this medication relaxing... other comments??
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restoril, insomnia, sleep disorders, temazepam, sleep
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