Renal Failure - Went to my PDr Monday and she ran my kidney function for me in three months my GFR?My GFR dropped from 39 to 27 in just three months. What caused the sudden drop? By the way she also found out I had a bladder infection. Also my creatinine level was 1.95 normal range is 0.50-1.30. She put me on Cipro for the infection. I hope someone is able explain to me the sudden changes in my labs, as they have been stable for the last three years and actually getting better. Also my other labs were off too. My glucose was 135,normal 65-100 (I am not diabetic).Protein in urine 1+ normal negative. bilirubin, urine abnormal, ketones urine, trace normal negative. White blood count 15.4, normal 4.5-11.0. Red blood count 5.74, normal 4.0-5.20. MCV 74, normal 80-100 MCH 23.5, normal 26.0 -34.0 . MCHC 31.9, normal 32.0-36.0. RDW16.6, NORMAL11.5- 15.5. 25-Hydroloxy (Vitamin D) 30.0-80.0 is normal mine is 21.2. All my other tests were within normal range. Also, I had a appt today with my nephologist. Found out he left the practice about a month ago. Came in one day and said was leaving, gave no explanation to anyone. No one even bothered to call to cancel my appt or to tell me that the other Dr's got together as a team and looked at Pt historys to decide who they thought would be for best for each pt which I thought was considerate. My previous Dr was considered one of the best nephologist in the U. S. & Canada very smart man, so I hope this that this Dr is as least close in knowledge as my last one. So to finish this up I have a appointment to see her on July 30. Wish me luck. Hope someone can ease my mind in the meantime.