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I cant remember if I took my warfarin today will that hurt me or what should I do?

3 Answers

kaismama 6 Oct 2015

You definately need a week pill box so you know if you took it. Walmart has one for 0.98. If you know the day you started that bottle of pills you can count pills and see if the correct amount are out of them.

Votes: +2
chuck1957 6 Oct 2015

Connie you can call the pharmacist too. And see what he or she thinks you should do.

Votes: +1
chuck1957 6 Oct 2015

Don't take another today,wait for your next dose or call the doctor's office and ask them.what he or she would have you do.
And get a pill tray at the pharmacy that way you fill it once a week and you can look in it if you can't remember that is what i do. This medicine is not to be doubled.

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