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Reese's Pinworm Medicine - how long does this medicine take to work?


Deloris Fitzgerald 1 Dec 2016

Are pinworms and ringworms the same and does pinworm medicine work for ringworms

Votes: +0
Inactive 2 Dec 2016

Pinworms are a parasite, while ringworms are considered a fungus as far as I know. I don't know anything that is cured by "pinworm medicine" - certainly not pinworms which are generally systemic throughout the entire body, easily passing through the skin barrier, the venous system, as well as the internal organs, and can easily be seen by the thousands within ten seconds when coaxed to the skin surface with a warm moist cloth, especially after administering of opioids, especially the lips, chin, and the areas between the breast and underarms where the skin is most easily able for the parasites to cross, due to it's suppleness.

jswiger 19 March 2017

Im just a mother very concerned... ive got a2yr old that has pin worms and ive cleaned and gave medicine .are u telling me there is no cure to rid of them period... Pin_x is whats helped not all the way throufh the 2nd cycle yet to say if shes cured. Im realy worried!

Rajive Goel 19 May 2010

It perhaps also depends upon the complexity of the infection, it could take a day or more, however the single-dose treatment is often repeated after 2 weeks. This treats eggs that hatched since the first treatment.

The doc./pharmacist after examination of the infected could be a better person to advice, hope this helps?

Votes: +1
Inactive 2 Dec 2016

Till the fourth of never. I've also found that I've had to school both my Dr and Nurse on pinworms, but to be fair one doesn't know until experiencing this awful affliction there is yet no cure I know of on this planet. free discount card

Related topics

pinworm medicine, reese's pinworm medicine, pinworm infection (enterobius vermicularis)

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