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What is this pill ?? red and white capsule no imprint?


Inactive 19 May 2013

The FDA requires for pills/caplets/capsules, etc. to have an imprint, prescription and non prescription.
Besides without the imprint it is impossible to identify pills/caplets/capsules online.

Your pill could be a vitamin, a diet/herbal/energy pill, llicit or a foreign pill.

Perhaps if you show it to your pharmacist/chemist, he/she may be able to id it.

Take care,

Votes: +0
Inactive 19 May 2013

The FDA requires for pills/caplets/capsules, etc. to have an imprint, prescription and non prescription.
Besides without the imprint it is impossible to identify pills/caplets/capsules online.

Your pill could be a vitamin, a diet/herbal/energy pill, Illicit or a foreign pill.

Perhaps if you show it to your pharmacist/chemist, he/she may be able to id it.

Take care,

Votes: +0 free discount card

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