Is this another one of those instances of making a "shortage" just so they can raise the prices on it when they put it back on the market? I read that RLC Laboratories (the maker of Nature-Throid) claims that they have closed their manufacturing plants temporarily so that they can upgrade them and improve their manufacturing process? Really??
What if my doctor tries to make me take Synthroid instead, even though I have taken Nature-Throid for many years? I didn't do well on Synthroid in the past. I do not want to take it again.
And to add more problems to that, my "new" doctor just closed her practice, and I have only been going to her for about 5 months!!! Do you know how hard it is to find a doctor that is taking new patients, especially Medicare patients? Ayyayayay!
So not only do I not have a primary care doctor, I do not have a prescription for a thyroid replacement hormone at this present time.
In the meantime, my naturopath has worked with me to take some thyroid and adrenal supplements.
I don't know if I am in a dangerous situation or not right now. Wouldn't it be ironic if I did just as well without a thyroid hormone prescription?
I have Hashimoto's, which is an autoimmune form of hypothyroidism. Hopefully my adrenal and thyroid supplements will carry me through. I am not on any other prescription medications at the present time.
Anyone else going through this same situation?
Any suggestions?