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Popular Questions (Page 22)

Psych doctors in my area or a doctor who can see me in my area of Millersburg, PA or Harrisburg, PA?

I need some help with finding a really good psych doctor in my area of Millersburg, PA. Or around the Millersburg area, about 30 or 40 miles. I could possibly travel to see a doctor but I'm just tired of going to all these doctors and nothing ever comes of it. I'm just really sick of it....

Do liothyronine sodium 25 mcg tablets taste like a sugar pill?

I noticed my liothyronine tablet tasted like sugar when I held it under my tongue while getting water. Out of curiosity I chewed it up; it definitely tastes like sugar, no bitter taste like most Rx meds. Is this normal? Or have I been given fake medication?

Am I safe taking lorazepam & Buspar together 2 times per day?

My doctor prescribed them together to help until Cymbalta starts to work.