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Latest Questions (Page 45)

How Can I Treat Muscle Strain or Pain?

How long does Qulipta take to work?

What should I do…4 weeks 15 mg for agoraphobia?

I’m so scared this won’t work… after Effexor and Zoloft (without effect) I now took 2 weeks 10 mg and 4 weeks 15 mg Paxil. I suffer crippling agoraphobia with panic attacks to the point that it makes me vomit. I don’t feel a big difference after 4 weeks. What should I do?

Thoughts on when quit taking?

Curious on how people felt when they went off this? I do not plan to be on for life but what are side effect when not taking after a many months

I'm I pregnant? I used a Plan B as soon as possible?

Today is the last day of my period and i had sex today but we were unaware that the condom broke until everything was done. So I've taken the Plan B. What are my chances of getting pregnant?

Does Qulipta (atogepant) cause hair loss?

Why does generic adderall pill b 974 work better than other off brands?

I'm really confused I thought they all were supposed be have the same ingredients Im really looking foreword to hearing everyone's Input on this! I've had the pink pills from cvs before and they really didnt feel like I took anything at all I still was all over the place when I...

How do I control nausea and will my nausea ever go away?

I have been on semaglutide for almost 3 weeks. I am nauseated all the time. I belch recently. My physician told me to take Pepcid Complete and gave me a prescription for Zofran. It helps a little bit but I find most of the time I’m fatigued by the nausea. I’m looking for input to see if...

What is abelacimab?

Sexual side effects in males on fluoxetine 20mg?

How common and what percentage are the sexual side effects of 20mg of fluoxetine. I take it in the morning due to doctors orders. Thank you in advance.

Does Qulipta cause weight loss?

Prozac side effects timespan?

I am having side effects on 20mg of Prozac. After 5 weeks I am now down to 10mg. How long will it take for the side effects to subside?