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Does amoxicillin interact with Tylenol Extra Strentgh?

I am 70 years old. I have taken amoxicillin for an ear infection. Is it OKto also take Tylenol extra strength for my pain?

I have a question about Rexulti with Effexor XR?

I have been on 300mg of Effexor XR for at least 15 years. All of a sudden, these past two weeks have me in a terrible slump of depression and anxiety. I can't eat, sleep, go anywhere and have bad thoughts. I would like to know if anyone out there has tried Rexulti with Effexor XR. As for side...

Can I take Spiriva and Trelegy at the same time?

I suffer from anxiety and Atarax was prescribed to me 4 years ago.

I stopped taking it and my anxiety came back because of a lot of triggers, or it was always there but got worse. so I started taking it again. it is the only pill I am taking. one pill is 25mg and I take half at night, but I am irritated and sleepy the whole day. I have anxiety because of all the...

Is there an interaction between vancomycin hydrochloride capsules 125 mg and metronidazole 500 mg?

My husband was prescribed vancomycin and he still had diarrhea so the doctor ordered metronidazole. He had diarrhea all night and terrible belly pain and has been throwing up. He has only drank sips of water during the night. Should he only take the new prescription today or should I take him to...

Are Lexapro and diazepam OK to take together?

I have been given 5mg diazepam to help with my SAD while Lexapro starts to work. I'm week 7 on 20mg of Lexapro and I'm still having anxiety, restlessness and agitation in the morning. It seems to ease off late Afternoon. Some days I take 2.5mg and some days I need to take the 5mg....

Buspirone - Can Buspar be taken only once a day? How long before the dizziness goes away?

Can Buspar be effective taken only once daily? Preferred day or night? When does the dizziness go away? I’m scared to take in the morning and drive to work if dizzy but also scared to take at night because of reviews of bad dreams. Also is it safe to drink a couple beers while on Buspar like...

What is the mechanism of action for naltrexone?

Is Zoloft (sertraline) a controlled substance?

What is metilfenidato used for?

What's the difference between Xywav and Xyrem?

Does anyone have headaches with Contrave?

I started taking Contrave 5 days ago. On day 4 & 5 I noticed i have been having extremely wicked headaches and pressure at the back of my head. When i bend down, the pressure and pain at the back of my head feels like it is moving to the front of my head and is a constant throbbing type...

Can I drink grapefruit juice with simvastatin?

What is Diprospan used for?