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Latest Questions (Page 13)

Xanax - If my prescription says as needed and I only take them truly as needed, such as maybe 1 or 2

... times per week, when I have a panic attack, so at the end of the month, I still have plenty left, how long can I continue to take them before I get in trouble or will I get in trouble?

Will gabapentin help back pain?

Back pain

Do you gain weight back after stopping Mounjaro?

Trintellix and feeling sleepy?

3 days ago started 5mg Trintellix and about an hour or 2 later I feel very tired, and want to go lay down. Is this a common side effect of Trintellix?

What is vitamin B6 used for?

Oxygen level dropping on pulse ox with Gemtesa?

Been taking Gemtesa for 3 weeks now. Since I started taking this medication I have noticed a drop in my pulse ox reading from 95 to 92-93 until yesterday. Yesterday my pulse ox reading was 90 and today it is still 90. Have been hospitalized when my pulse ox reading hit 88. Will quit taking the...

Does Emgality cause hair loss?

How long can Kesimpta be out of the fridge?

How long does Rinvoq stay in your system?

After hip surgery and was prescribed hydrocodone and acetaminophen

I was given hydrocodone and acetaminophen, and told to take baby aspirin for the prevention of blood clots. Just wondering if the low dose 81mg aspirin is good?

Why is Nuvigil a controlled substance?

What is the success rate of Elahere?