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I'm about to start phentermine. I heard it can mess up your menstrual cycle?

4 Answers

cbumphus 5 April 2019

After taking phentermine I noticed my period would stop. Each time I stopped taking the pill my period would return. I would loose weight during the 30-60 days I used the pill and would have a period 3-4 months apart. I asked the physician several times if the pill would effect my period and he replied no. Since I have been back to my heavier weight my period has been coming on.

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suzanne66 14 Nov 2012

No, it shouldn't. Here is a link to its side effects.

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sparkle34 13 Nov 2012

I've been on it before & just took 1 this morning. They work really good but I dnt think they'll mess up ur cycle. I cnt remember if I took them b4 I had my hystorectomy or not but I haven't ever heard any1 mentionen it before or readen it in the sideaffects. Just read over that & makes sure. Take the pills early so u'll beable 2 go 2 sleep at nite. I drove my boyfriend nuts I had soooo much energy I cudn't sit still & i'd wake up every morning between 4-5am ready 2 go... Lol!!! Good luck 2 ya.

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Kjacobs89 17 Nov 2012


Inactive 13 Nov 2012

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Kjacobs89 17 Nov 2012

Does in interfere with your cycle? Like makes its longer or late? I'm on birth control but I like that I know when it's coming or going. free discount card

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weight loss (obesity/overweight), phentermine, menstrual disorders

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