I have a(NeET WT. 26.9 OUNCES) or 45 once a day dose Miralax powder and it expired July 2017. Is it still safe to take it or do i need to throw it away?? Its the powder form and its a full huge bottle and I sure hate to have to throw it away knowing how expensive it was and how much is left. Also what about expiration date concerning any other vitamin/supplement pills and/or powders?? Is there a chart or article or something on that line that can tell me about how long after the expiration dates they are safe and/or ok to take?? ANY INFO IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!
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23 May 2018
Hello Joy Despite the miraLAX expiring on July 2017 you can continue to finish the bottle as long as you've stored the laxative in a dry storage cabinet. Because the Miralax has expired you may find that the prescribed dose is not as effective then that of a dated bottle. Also, make sure you continue to take only the prescribed dose on the bottle. If you're going to continue to take Miralax for more than 7 to 10 days make sure you tell your doctor. Remember miraLAX is intended only as a short term laxative. Also, it's best to inform your doctor about all your medications. Even OTC ones. Finally, if after three to four days you still are having a difficult time moving your bowels you may want to add more fiber rich foods to your diet. Best regards bestpup