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Prozac & Wellbutrin together should I expect to gain weight? What other side effects should I expec?

4 Answers

hope31 22 Dec 2011

I take wellbutrin & celexa. I never tried prozac, but I knew a old friend of mine who took prozac & she gained weight off of it. But the wellbutrin taken with the prozac might eliminate that weight gain effect altogether. I find that the wellbutrin has helped eliminate my crazy cravings for carbs, sweets & sodium rich foods. I also noticed that when I took zoloft that it packed on the pounds, where as the celexa combined with the wellbutrin didn't. If you eat healthy while taking these antidepressants, I believe that you will not gain any weight. Good luck 2 u!

Votes: +0
taleese 22 Dec 2011

Also I know that prozac has some side effects that can affect you down the road, i know several who have been on it that have ticks after being on it.

hope31 22 Dec 2011

I'm not sure what you mean by ticks? what r ticks?

taleese 22 Dec 2011

A tic would be like uncontrollable blinking of the eyes for example. My one friends head will jerk uncontrollably to the right, usually when shes a little overwhelmed or excited or its time for her prozac. Anothers eyes blink very frequently, twice as fast as normal.

taleese 22 Dec 2011

I take trazodone and wellbutrin. The wellbutrin actually gives me energy and increases my metabolism. I've lost weight since being on it which is great for my depression and considering when I was on Lyrica I gained 50lbs. Remember as already stated they list side effects but some of them are so rare. The worst I had was sweating when I was first on it now I don't even have it. Depression wise I can honestly say in 6yrs of having it and being in dark gloom from Nov-feb and getting severe in winter this is the BEST I have ever felt.

Votes: +2
pkickham 22 Aug 2017

Your answer really helped me understand the combination of the two medications. Thank you!

LaurieShay 22 Dec 2011

Hey rebchristopher,

Taken at the right dosages, Wellbutrin with Prozac is a great combination for depression and anxiety. Don't let the possible interaction scare you. This is extremely rare. Weight gain is also unlikely particulary with Wellbutrin. As long as you watch your calories consumed are less than or equal to calories burned, you'll not gain weight. Side effects when first starting the Wellbutrin may include some headache and jitteriness, but this will go away in a short time.

Best wishes,


Votes: +2
Rajive Goel 22 Dec 2011

You could read details on:,440-203, besides other side effects of the meds which would be listed on: for Prozac: and for Wellbutrin:

Take care, best wishes!

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prozac, wellbutrin, depression, side effect, weight

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