Prozac - Brain fog I'm desperate for help and relief?
Question posted by Mia1221 on 8 Jan 2021
Last updated on 9 January 2021
Hi everyone, I'm feeling trapped. I have changed all meds last year and I'm on 40 mg Prozac at the moment (increased maybe 2-3 week ago) but this week I had brain fog at work and I cant function like that for much longer. The thing is I think it's the high anxiety that caused it but then I take clonazepam and that too can cause it so either way I feel I dont have much options. This only thing I know is I need help. I will talk to my doctor Monday and the only thing I see is an increase cause if I cant focus on continuing my training, it will not be better on my anxiety. I also take Lithium so I dont think it's the possible side effect of low sodium from Prozac. Thanks for any input
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8 Jan 2021
Hi, Mia! You have been on Prozac for over 3 months right? I remembered we have a conversation couple months ago. You need to speak with your doctor, because your high levels of anxiety has been going on for far way too long. If Clonazepam neither is lessening the symptoms of your anxiety, you should gradually taper of it. Don’t rely on something that isn’t helping you ,especially “benzo’s.”
Votes: +2
9 Jan 2021
Hi Tyrese Good to hear from you. I started Prozac Nov 9 so it's been two months. I did see an improvement but then something happened at work which has increased my anxiety. So even though we just increase to 40mg. I cant go on that much longer especially with brain fog. So I'm hoping we can increase cause I dont see what else can be done and I need help controlling this anxiety asap. I have to continue training and I'm on a term. So I need to be at least well enough to have a plan b. My work is very important to me so is my health but one is affecting the other at the moment. I've heard someone say at 60mg there was no more brain fog. Doctor is concerned about the work environment but I cant do anything with too high of anxiety.i feel my only option is to try an increase. Thanks again
9 Jan 2021
What work for others may not work for you. But once your doctor decide to increase the dosage at 60mg. Then, keep track of your symptoms. Are you still taking Clonazepam?
9 Jan 2021
I wasnt as much since the increase to 40 mg it seems it was somewhat getting better but then someone reported that I was possibly victim of intimidation so anxiety increased to the point of brain fog and then I've been taking some. That is why I thing the increase might be the fastest relief to get me through all this.
9 Jan 2021
I understand. Let me know how you’re feeling with the extra dose. Take care of yourself Tyrese
9 Jan 2021
Hi dear, I'm waiting for a call from my pharmacist to get his opinion. I dont know yet what the doctor will recommend on Monday but I'm hoping for a solution cause it's been really hard to keep going forward. Thanks for your support. Melanie
10 Jan 2021
I’ll be here. Keep me updated, okay?
10 Jan 2021
You bet ! I will for sure thanks for being there it means a lot to me. I was listening to an app and they say to welcome the anxiety but when you are working and it is causing brain fog it is not an option. I need it to be managed enough so I can focus on work and not have all the other things happening paralyzing me like that. Thanks again
10 Jan 2021
Yes. Your mental health matters :). You will get better soon. Don’t worry too much.