I've been taking Prozac(Fluoxotine) for about 2 months now. Also i have been taking Suboxone on and off for about a year for opiate dependancy. Since I started the Prozac i have had episodes of sweaty,anxiousness, and being withdrawn. Im starting to wonder if I might have more a general anxiety issue than a depression issue. I was on paxil last summer for 2 months with similar results.

I have been sober from opiates since Aug 13th of this year. Im really trying to get my life back on track. I do take the occasional Xanax when the anxiety gets to me. Also i take 10mg Adderal when i have a hard time getting going.

After doing some research I found this is a bad combo. As of now I stopped taking the Adderall and Xanax. If anyone has any feedback on my episodes I would appreciate it.

The anxiety goes back before my drug use and Anti-Depressant treatments. I would love any info i just want to get back on my feet. Im 23 and struggling to maintain a job and feel "normal" from day to day.

Thanks guys!