Started prolia last year, had a fall back in 2000 but back pain now is severe, just started flexeril, weight gain because I stay hungry all the time, head itches, mouth has sores in it & 1 outside that doesn't heal, more easily stressed & agitated easy, hysterectomy when I was 27,hands r numb when I have them at rest a couple hours & swell where I can't hardly use them to even turn on a light, they also ache like a toothache but back is constant pain my body is swelled tight, more gas pains. Will this ease off with more shots or get worse? I'm 54 & dr said hardly any reactions to drug less than Boniva which I had for about 2 yrs. & it seemed to do ok except with bone scan it showed no improvement but slightly worse than last one. I am a caregiver & I feel worse than 95 yr. old patient I take care of.