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Any problems with Anastrozole?

4 Answers

KingsMtn 30 March 2024

I was on Anastrozole for two years, the worst two years of my life I’ll never get back. I know not everyone experiences side effects, but I had them all with a vengeance. When I could no longer walk I took myself off and switched oncologists. Sheet-soaking hot flashes in the morning and throughout the day, hair growth to the point I had to purchase a ladies electric shaver (Flawless), joint pain, weight gain…. The worst was the mood changes, I turned into a completely different person- easy to cry, easy to anger, easy to vent frustrations. I felt like a monster then was depressed so I kept to myself as much as possible. My husband is a saint for sticking it out with me. I’m now on Tomoxafin at a lower dose. I asked my oncologist what would happen if I STOP taking AIs and he told me I would have a 50% chance of my BC coming back.

Votes: +1
Traci999 30 March 2024

Thank you for posting this. I’ve honestly thought I was losing my mind. I was fine when I first started Anastrozole mid December but I’ve become someone I don’t even know anymore. My oncologist told me to take a two week break just to make sure the medication is causing my symptoms. I know it’s the medicine. I’m having a heart to heart talk with my dr this week. I can’t go on like this nor will I. If they can’t find something to work for me I will take my chances and pray God protects me. Thanks again

sessher 27 March 2024

A key question for your oncologist before starting this drug or even after you’ve been taking it.

What is the likely percentage for recurrence of breast cancer with and without this drug?

My wife and I did not ask that question until she experienced debilitating symptoms. She immediately went off the drug.

Votes: +0
sessher 30 March 2024

Some add’l information on my answer - My wife had a mastectomy. My understanding was that this drug was only going to enhance the likelihood that she would not have recurrence by small percentage points. Her good fortune was that she had no spreads to lymph nodes. When combined with mastectomy her chance of recurrence was relatively low. Yet, her oncologist put her on this drug and like many of the postings the doctors don’t seem to fully understand/appreciate how her life was negatively impacted by this drug.

Traci999 27 March 2024

I have been on Anastrozole since mid-December 2023. I started with headaches which subsided but now I feel like a completely different person. My mood changes, sleep patterns, joint pain have all changed. I am not the same person I was before taking this drug. I told my dr is something does not give I will have to quit taking it.

I have read where a lot of patients who stop this or any hormone blocking drugs usually have a reoccurrence of BC so I don't want that, but I am lost for answers.

Votes: +0
Untd2 27 March 2024

It does not always come
Back .. depends on what type , stage , in lymph nodes , etc ..I was told only lessens reoccurrence by 4 percent . I’ve talked to 2 oncologist. This med sent me to the hospital with BP 230/110 , I now have floaters in my eyes, I was on a heart monitor for a week have knee pain, hip pain, neck, pain, shoulder pain. You have to decide whether it’s worth it or not and a lot of people decide it is not.

Traci999 27 March 2024

I did not mean to insinuate that if you stopped taking this medication you would get BC again. I can understand why women stop taking anastrozole. If I can't get help I will most likely quit it myself. I am not the same person I was before.

Slipup 17 April 2024

I am in the same position I am elderly so stopping this drug may be the answer for me, but for younger people, contact your health provider

Slipup 20 April 2024

I have stopped taking Anastrozole, has anyone experienced any side effects?

masso 23 Aug 2023

Please be more specific so we can try to help you.

Votes: +0
Slipup 24 Aug 2023

Just Anastrosole , all the side effect look daunting, are they as bad as listed on info sheet.
Thank you

masso 24 Aug 2023

"We used to think that pharmaceutical companies reluctantly included long lists of side effects because the FDA made them do it. That is no doubt true, but there may be a more self-serving reason. Telling patients about lots of nasty adverse reactions might provide a legal defense in case of litigation."

Untd2 24 Aug 2023

Anastrozole I’ve been on for eight months have been off for a month side effects, depression, loss of appetite, knee pain, neck pain, anxiety mood swings, just too much for me, but everybody’s different

masso 24 Aug 2023

Sorry to read so, but as you mention everyone reacts differently to medications and everything that comes with taking them.

Hope you get well soon, masso

Slipup 17 April 2024

Depression something I have only experienced since being this drug

masso 17 April 2024

I am sorry this happened to you and depression is a common side effect of this medication.
Inform your Dr. and the important aspect of it now, is how you can overcome this depression with therapy and medications. free discount card

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