So can i still get pregnant if i took plan b one step... me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex and he claims he didnt come inside me but either way i went to go buy planb that same night... can i still get pregnant if he came inside amd he doesnt relaized it?when i took plan b that night the day after amd during the week i got a few headaches and was tired and a little nauesa can i still get pregnant?? Help please im worried
Can I still get pregnant even if I took plan b one step?
Question posted by nerdy21 on 19 March 2013
Last updated on 3 July 2020
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
23 Answers

The morning after pill (emergency contraceptive pill) is a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. It will be most effective if taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex. Within 24 hours is best, but it can prevent pregnancy if taken up to 120 hours (5 days) after sex. Side effects are usually short-term and mild. Some women feel sick and it helps to take the pill with food. Anti-nausea tablets are available on prescription if needed. Some women experience a change in bleeding pattern and this is in response to hormone fluctuations. Your next period may come at the normal time, but it may be early or late and it could be heavier than usual. All scenarios are normal.
If you don’t get your next period, or it is very light, you should have a pregnancy test.
It may be a good time to consider reliable birth control options.
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I have a question I had un protected sex yesterday but my husband say he did come inside me but I took the plan b pill today will I still be able to get pregnant or will it protect me
Yes, you can still get pregnant. I took Plan B the morning after sex and I just found out that I am indeed pregnant. I believe that we had sex when I was ovulating though so it might have been less effective. Nevertheless, I took it and now I am pregnant.
Just wondering if you had any symptoms? I should have my period in 2 days and I'm so nauseated and dizzy but have had no spotting or major cramps..
Hi everyone I really need your help! I had else's with this guy at 7:30am and he came inside me then I took plan B at 4:30, 9 hours later. This was the first time I had had sex in over a month im so scared that I might be pregnant though, I'm only 17 please someone help me. I haven't really had any symptoms but dizziness bloating nausea.
I have been reading all the threads... I had sex with my boyfriend Sept. 1 and he ejaculated inside of me. I took the Plan B tab a couple hours later. I too am having all the pregnancy symptoms, tender breasts and they got a little bigger, bloated, mood swings, my spotting started Sept. 6th and went away Sept. 11th. I also have some sensitivity to some smells not all. I guess it is a waiting game until my period starts. I took Plan B 3 years ago and never had these symptoms. Waiting it out I guess...
When did U start getting all these symptoms in the first week or wt ?
Hey so I have taken this plan b at least 5 times honestly but this time around I feel a little bit more different especially realizing its only 80% effective and the more you take it the less it work but Im back in the same situation
Did plan B work for you?
I don't think u could
My boyfriend and I had sex and he came inside me twice and we got the plan B pill 20 hours after it happened because he had to work that morning. Could I still possibly get pregnant or should I be worried. I'm terrified, were only 18&19...
Did u end up being pregnant? I took a plan b the next day but I'm worried what if it doesn't work
I'm in the same situation and yea I'm pregnant after taking plan b the very next morning
You can always have a risk of getting pregnant it is %80 effective. However, working in the medical field I think you're fine. It is less effective for woman a little over weigh . I am going through the same thing except I want to be pregnant I took one on my second fertile day window and we've been trying ever since everyday and I'm not sure I can get pregnant as plan b stops your ovulation or can per the Dr. Let me know how it turns out. Good luck.
Some PLEASE answer. I had unprotected sex the night before I completely ended my period.. And he ejaculated inside of me, but he didn't tell me. 4 days later I sex and he ejaculated AGAIN. This time I felt it on my own. And got a Plan b pill. I got another heavy period like usual that lasted my normal 5 days, a week after taking the pill. And I wonder if Im safe because I had an early period from the plan b pill. Or that I should still be worried???
what was your outcome ?
Yes it can DEFINATELY HAPPEN! I never thought it would happen to me I've always taken plan b whenever I had unprotected sex THE VERY NEXT DAY and now I'm pregnant! I'm assuming it depends how strong the guys sperm is. When I went to the doctors they told me the morning after pill is only 80% effective and the more times you take it the less it works. So be careful girls!!
Just wondering did you have a boy or girl?
You can absolutly get pregnant!!If happend to my ex wife when we were dating. Thats how we ended up with our first daughter. She is now 13 and wouldnt trade her for the world. I can just tell you to please use proper protection if your not illergic to latex as I am. So when I have sex its mostly unprotected but I always pull out the instant I get that tingly feeling in my scrotum. Anyway best of luck.
Yes, you can always get pregnant. Nothing can truly stop it because nothing is 100% accurate. I had sex with my boyfriend a couple of weeks ago unprotected, and I took the plan b pill the next morning. I feel sick, tired and pregnant, but I think I am fine. Plan b usually makes me feel pregnant like symptoms and it can mess with your period. So don't worry if you guys are pregnant. Just relax and honestly don't have sex till marriage then you won't have these issues. I need to start living the way I preach.
Can I get pregnant if I took panB an hour ago. And we have unprotected sex. And he cums in me. Can I still get pregnant?
Me too, me and my boyfriend had sex on the last day of my period and I took the plan b that night, I'm over a week on my period this month and I'm kinda hoping that the pill didn't work, I kind of regret taking it. Is there any chance I could still be pregnant? Or is this a period mixup?
Bc of the deed being after ur period ur chances of getting pregnant is high bc u r extremely fertile after ur period
Hi, I had sex with this guy about a week ago, he claimed he pulled out but I took a plan b pill the day after the act. Can I still get pregnant. I'm SUPER WORRIED...
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