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Does prednisone make you thirsty?

4 Answers

teggefamily 16 Nov 2012

It did me while in hospital and I developed the steriod induces diebtics. Now I am home but still have to take insulin shots. They say it will go away as my does is lower or i am off of the prednisone all together. You can help your self by following a diebtic diet and see if it helps with thirst and ofcours dry month. but dr should keep an eye on kedney function.

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endlessPred 15 Nov 2012

Prednisone also raises blood sugars and can cause diabetes. First is one of the signs of diabetes. I don't know what dose or how long you will be on it. However, you ought to be monitored for blood sugar levels.

Long term prednisone use or medium to high dose causes a medication induced diabetes.

Please call your doctor and request being checked for this.

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Inactive 14 Nov 2012

Welcome to the site.

Low potassium (confusion, uneven heart rate, extreme thirst, increased urination, leg discomfort, muscle weakness or limp feeling).

Read more at:

I suggest you inform your Dr. your side effect.

Take care.,


Votes: +2
Inactive 14 Nov 2012

Hello KathyBass. Yes it can make you thirsty. Regards pledge

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