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Prednisone - Does this drug cause irregular heart rate?


endlessPred 6 June 2013

The effects from prednisone can last quite a while after stopping taking it, especially depending upon dose. However, an irregular heart beat, especially a fluttery feeling, needs to be reported to your doctor right away. This is not a normal effect. An occasional skipped beat is normal in just about anyone. The heart needs to be protected, so please see your doctor as soon as you can.

Votes: +1
hbarrett68 6 June 2013

Thanks. I have already called. Thanks again. :)

endlessPred 6 June 2013

You are welcome. I hope you will feel better soon.

merriloo 6 June 2013

I too have had it checked. Thank you for adding that,. That is important.

merriloo 6 June 2013

Yes it can. I was first put on 80 mg. Caused chronic palpitation, arythmias. I have gradually been reduced to a dosage of 30mg and I still get palpitaions. On the 80mg I went off in an abulance because the arythmias and palpitations were so chronic it felt like I was having a heart attack. Prednizine makes me wired, jittery, and like I've had Waaaaaaaaay too much caffeine.Tough drug but it is helping my condition. Dermatomyositis.
Wish you well and hope they lessen the dose. It will help with that but I find not completley.

Votes: +1
merriloo 6 June 2013

I have to take an anxiety med to cope with the jittery sensations I get from the prednizone.Somedays it feels like the Indy 500 is having a race through my veins.

hbarrett68 6 June 2013

Thanks. I was on it for a rash and hives about a wek ago and am off now but still am feeling the effects. Thanks so much.

Lewiscoe 11 Aug 2017

Have simular problem coq10 helps me and ice on the chest to lower pulse from 165 fairly quickly to 110 Hope this Can help somebody.

Eliotf 26 Oct 2017

Merriloo - I was just diagnosed with Dermatomyositis as well 8/3/17 & it is caused by CLL / a form of Leukaemia. I didn't take 80mg, but 40mg, finally got down to 25mg after 7 months. It does feel like my heart wants to pound out of my chest. Resting heart rate of about 95-100. And raised blood pressure.

Bennett09 11 Jan 2018

Ask you P.C.P. about adding Propranolol as needed to your meds. It's proven to reduce jittery feelings in public speakers and does not have a history of bad side effects and can be taken as needed.

bergonzoid 19 Oct 2018

I am having a similar experience. I am currently taking 20 mg. prednisone for poly-myalgia rheumatica, and while I have always had some palpitations, diagnosed as PACs, they have become more frequent and sustained, so I am cutting back on the prednisone. Halloween will mark the 12th anniversary of my double by-pass surgery, and I want to build on that success. So, a little muscle ache is a smaller price to pay. free discount card

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