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Is it possible for metformin to cause erectile dysfunction?

4 Answers

Mmmmlea 5 June 2015

No, however, doctors often prescribe blood pressure and cholestorol med to go with metformin to help assist other organs that are stressed from the pancreas issues... these meds like synvostatin and lisinopril can both cause ed symptoms.

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ResearchBenefits727 27 Nov 2012

Uncontrolled diabetes will cause erectile dysfunction and decreased libido. along with many other complications.

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kaismama 30 Oct 2012

Not the med, but diabetes can cause it.

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Inactive 30 Oct 2012

Hello psharris,

I checked the list of possible side effects and ED is not listed, and it has not been reported as a possible side effect.

Take care,


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erectile dysfunction, metformin

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