On Sunday June 23 2013 at around 1:30 me and my girl friend were having unprotected sex and after a few minutes i felt semen coming so as I was taking my penis out of her I ejaculated a little in her and the rest was outside... so she said that you just ejaculated in me and she ran to the bathroom and cleaned it by wetting a tissue... she came outside and told me that the semen slide toward the opening of the vagina..it didn't go in but was on the outside... we searched a lot online and found out that still there are possibility to get pregnant... we both were scared and the next day June 24 2013 at around 11 a.m we went to Rite Aid and bought the Plan B One-Step pill which is only one pill to take... and yeah her periods started on Wednesday June 19 and it ended the day we had sex which is Sunday June 23... so while sex she was on her periods... Even after taking the pill we both are still not full satisfied and we both dont want bad news... i really dont want her to be pregnant and know its all my fault that i should have used a condom... my question is that does plan b one step pill work even if your on periods... like i said it was her last day and we still had it while she was on it... so will the pill work? will it stop her from being pregnant..please help me.. we cant sleep at night..Please help me... will the pill work? and i also heard if you didn't eat anything before and take the pill its fine... and when she took it she didn't eat anything before that so please let me know... will it work? i dont want her to be pregnant and she doesn't want that either... please
Does Plan B One Step pill work if you are on your period?
Question posted by yasimshd2008 on 24 June 2013
Last updated on 5 September 2019
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
3 Answers

Your girlfriend has taken Plan B correctly. It doesn't matter if you are on your period or not. Taken correctly Plan B One Step has around a 98% success rate at preventing pregnancy
The morning after pill (emergency contraceptive pill) such as Plan B One Step is a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. It will be most effective if taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex. Within 24 hours is best, but it can prevent pregnancy if taken up to 120 hours (5 days) after sex. Side effects are usually short-term and mild. Some women feel sick and it helps to take the pill with food. Anti-nausea tablets are available on prescription if needed. Some women experience a change in bleeding pattern and this is in response to hormone fluctuations. Your next period may come at the normal time, but it may be early or late and it could be heavier than usual. All scenarios are normal.
If you don’t get your next period, or it is very light, you should have a pregnancy test.
It may be a good time to consider reliable birth control options.
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oh Thanks God then. im just waiting for her periods to come and i will be satisfied
So how will you know that plan b has worked if you were already on your period? Does it take a day to change or?
If you have regular monthly periods, you are not at risk of pregnancy when on days 1-5 of your period. You do not need emergency contraception.
If you're past day 5, or if your periods are irregular, then you are not safe during this time, & emergency contraception should be considered.
Plan B can be taken up to 72 hours after sex, & it is the other emergency pill called Ella (Ulipristal Acetate) that can be effective up to 5 days/120 hours after sex.
Both are more effective the sooner you taken them.
Please see the ec princeton website for this info to be clarified.
I was about to start ovulation ... I had just 1 day left for my period and my boyfriend busted in me .. I took a plan b 6 hours later ! Can I still get pregnant???
Yes. Absolutely. You're at the worst point of your cycle if you don't want a baby.
The only emergency contraceptive pill proven to work when you're within 24 hours of ovulation, is the pill called Ella (See the Ella website).
If you're relying on an app to tell you when you ovulate, they are just an estimate.
I suggest you get a copper IUD fitted ASAP (within 5 days/120 hours of intetcourse), which can prevent implantation & be left in place as longer term contraception. That's your best chance of avoiding pregnancy now.
It should still work as well as it works. With Plan b at any time in the cycle, you have an 80% chance of not getting pregnant and a 20% chance of getting pregnant. Your partner will more than likely be fine but no one can tell for sure. There is a chance of pregnancy but it is very slim. If you had fully ejaculated in her you would have been better off. Anal sex wont get a woman pregnant but if you pull out and get ejaculate on the vagina, there is a very slim chance for pregnancy. It is best to always use a condom. There is nothing more you can do but wait and see. Plan b is notorious for delaying periods so dont be panicked if her next period is delayed. You have done all you can do for this sexual episode. Why doesnt your gf get on the Pill or some other reliable form of birth control so you dont have to worry. Regular birth control pills are 99-99.9% effective. Much better odds than Plan b!
ok it might sound funny but we both are really new to all this like all these pills and stuff and as u said birth control pills are even better..so where can i get them from and how are they suppose to be used
another question isn't birth control prescribed by your doctor. im only 17 and shes 19 we dont want our doctors to know coz they know our parents and we dnt want to get in trouble... and even if we get it how do we take it ? and for how long ?
your Dr can prescribe, yes, and there is a thing called privacy laws and with these privacy laws, they cannot tell your parents. If this still makes you uncomfortable, there are many family planning clinics that offer free or low cost birth control options for students, uninsured and for people without Drs. Look in Dex online to see if there is a family planning clinic near you. Many counties have county clinics that provide birth control that way you wont have to feel embarrassed. If you cant find a clinic, remember that you own personal doctor can not tell your parents that you are on birth control unless you tell the Dr it is okay to tell your parents. The Dr is bound by privacy laws not to disclose information you want kept private.
Birth control pills are a contraceptive pill for a woman to take one pill a day to stop her from ovulating. If there is no egg released, there can be no baby no matter how many sperm are present. She would wait for her period and start the pill either the day her period starts or the first Sunday after her period starts. After seven consecutive days of active pills, she is protected from pregnancy all month as long as she doesnt miss any doses.
At age 19 she is an adult and her Drs can say NOTHING to her parents unless she gives them permission to.
hmm thnks for all the info... so as of right now... we dont have to worry right ? coz she took the plan b one step bill the next day... so nothings to worry about? and just wait for her periods to come ?
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