Me and my boyfriend had sex on my second day of ovulating and the condom broke but... he pulled out as he finished so we thought there was still a little inside me. So we jumped out of bed to get the pill straight away! And now one week later I have been getting my regular period symptoms and woke up today with heavy bleeding and if this is my period it’s 1.5 weeks early is this maybe a sign the pill has worked?
I have taken a Plan B after sex. Has it worked? Am I pregnant?
Question posted by Skyblue12 on 9 April 2021
Last updated on 9 April 2021 by LousArk
Bleeding after Plan B is just a side effect you sometimes get from Plan B. I have spoken to women who have bled for a week after Plan B, but still become pregnant, although I don't hear that very often. Although, there are very few women who come back & tell us whether or not they ended up pregnant.
Unless you chart your fertility signs each day, or use an ovulation kit, you'll probably be relying on something like an ovulation predictor in an app or website. Those are just guides, so it's hard to know exactly where you will be in terms of your actual hours of ovulation, itself. Hopefully, as you say, you will have still been at least a few days away from your actual hours of ovulation, itself.
The other emergency pill, called, Ella (Ulipristal Acetate), is the only emergency contraceptive pill that has been proven can prevent pregnancy during the 24 hours around ovulation, but even that is not guaranteed. You can see that on the Ella Manufacturer's website. Plan B might, but it has not been proven.
Your ovulation only lasts a few hours, but you have up to 5/6 days before those ovulation hours, when you are fertile (your fertile days). Those fertile days are when your cervical mucus changes in consistency, so that it can save/preserve any sperm that enters your vagina, ready for when you actually ovulate.
If you are currently still within 5 days/120 hours of the sexual intercourse, you could have a Paragard IUD fitted by a doctor, as an extra measure of emergency contraception. That can stop the pregnancy implanting, if the Plan B did not work.
Not everyone becomes pregnant, just because they have sex during their fertile days. If it is going to happen, that is the time it will happen, though.
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