I am a trans guy (FTM obviously) (age 16), and my doctor gave me the Depo shot back in early June as a way to stop my period before I got on testosterone. I didn't get my period at all in June, which was lovely, I had intercourse twice and my partner preformed oral on me a few times. Things were really good, and I had a lot of hope. By the end of June, I noticed a decline in my mood and Googled some of my questions... turns out Depo weakens Lamictal, the med I take to help my bipolar II. By July 7th, I got my period. Except... it was brown goop and not normal red. My period typically is goopy at the start and then thins out towards the end of my 7 miserable days of bloody horror. My period blood went from brown to red, light to heavy and has been here since July 9th. It is now August 1st. It is super heavy again. I feel shaky all of the time and nauseous as heck. I am so sleepy and bloated and I feel constantly gross. My vulva burns when I pee and that area has a rash from wearing pads for so long. I cannot stand my period anymore. I got this shot to stop it, it's driving me insane & because it is weakening my medicine, I am considering ending my life. (I have severe depression from bipolar II and my medicine really helps my depression but because the effects of it are weakened, it is not working). From what I have read online, there seems to be no way to know when it will end or how to stop it. If you know any way to stop it or you know when it will end, please tell me. I am seeing my doctor next week because I am getting my first shot of T, but I do not think I can wait any longer. I have cried at least once a day for the past 3 weeks and have had full on melt downs in which I pull my hair out and occasionally I start hitting my head against the wall.