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Percocet to suboxone how long should I wait to take suboxone?


Inactive 25 March 2011

Hey KriBOB, I answered this a few questions ago, but I guess I didn't see this one. Wait about 24 hours before starting subs after your last perc. Google the COWS sheet ( clinical opiate withdrawal scale) and you should hit a 26 about 24 hours after last dose, and then you can safely start subs. Haven't seen ya here in a while, hope that things go well. Please let us know how you are. Patti

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kribob 26 March 2011

Thank you for your help... i just want to let everyone know i took my last perc at 3:45 pm and at 12:45am (9 hours) i scored a 11 on the COWS test i was going thruw some moderate withdrawls..i no your are suppost to score a 26 or higher but i couldnt wait any longer ..last time i did this was because of knee surgery and i waited 12 hours and was in moderate to severe withdrawls i tooks 1 mg of suboxone and i was fine... thank god, i guess everyone is different so i just want to let people know that in my case i didnt have to wait the whole 24 hours and wait till i hit a 26 on the scale..thank you for all your help everyone ..god bless


Inactive 26 March 2011

Good deal, and you only took 1 mg of subs, that is also why you probably had no problems. Some people take up to 16 mgs when they have only waited a brief time and they can really go into precip. I am glad you let us know how you are, we really do care around here. free discount card

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