Ok, I have been on the Suboxone for almost 2 weeks. (Because of an addiction to hydrocodone). This morning I took some hyrdocodone for a toothache (haven't taken the suboxone in over 24 hours). So the pain meds did nothing for my toothache and no high feeling from them. My question is now, since I've only been on the Subs for two weeks, can I take a Sub now without feeling the Percipitated Withdrawl? It has been one hour since I took the hydrocodone. And I feel that since I haven't been on the Subs long I should be ok. I take a total of 8mg/ day of Suboxone (for the past two weeks). Will I go into percipitated withdrawl, or will I be ok? And what are the symptoms of this withdrawl?
Percipitated Withdrawl- Suboxone?
Question posted by Anonymous on 18 Jan 2011
Last updated on 30 April 2013
Also, I have not taken any hydrocodone for two weeks (other than this am) which also leads me to believe I wont go into p. withdrawal. Am I correct?
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
11 Answers
I have been taking suboxone for 2 years now... I havent had a sub in 4 days... but 24 hours ago i tried my first dose of methadone to see if id go that route..I didnt like the whole high feeling, it defeats the purpose of me getting help... I want to take my sub today, remember its been 24 hours since methadone dose.Since it was my very first dose on Methadone ever, should I go through precipitated withdrawal?
Hi rayjay8395,
You might want to post your own question, that way you'll get the attention you deserve and need!!
Best wishes,
Annonymous, I would wait a bit if I were you, at least 12 hours ( unless the pharmacist tells you different) and it is Methadone you have to wait 48 before getting on subs, not vics, sorry if I somehow didn't make that clear to my good friend Chris. I am getting old, I could have said vics, but usually only 24 hours without most opiates, 48 hours without methadone before starting subs. If the pharmacist doesn't answer your question for you, wait around 12 hours then take just 2 mgs. 2 hours after taking the 2 mgs, if you have no nausea, then you are probably good to take the rest of it. Most doctors will up your dose of subs if you get into a situation like this. If you have no nausea and feel fine on that 2 mgs, you should be good. The symptoms would be major nausea, feeling really really bad, withdrawal leg pain, restlessness, but mainly throwing up and nausea would be the signs vics still in system when you took subs too soon.
these people below are the best!!! see what they say I have added comments but it never hurts to hear from a fresh voice they are the greatest just please keep us posted sorry I could not be of more help
Forgive my question out there I'm still only 4 days into Drugs.com. and still learning. What is Percipitated WD? i know what regular wd is, how is percepitated wd different? is it worse? why? I'm taking Norcos right now but will be jumping to Suboxone soon and would like to know what i'll be up against. Thanks
No worries. I had very little knowledge about PW until I went through them. From what I understand, as opiates leave your receptors you begin to WD. Because of amount of use, half life, etc. this happens over the course of time.
The way sub works is that it fills up your opiate receptors so you stop wd and cravings. The problem occurs if you take the sub too soon after taking "normal" opiates. What happens is that the sub is like a big bad bully that literally knocks the residual opiates off the receptors very quickly and you go into full blown WD. No nature taking its course, just straight up no more opiates (sub is an opiate, but it's totally different animal) on the brain. VERY nasty.
Some people find that it lasts shorter than regular WD. I did not find that to be true. On the other hand, I have not had too many experiences with WD before this. Mild, a day or two sick before caving. This was totally different.
Please look up the COWS sheet. It will set a good gauge for when you can dose the sub. Bottomline, time isn't a sure indicator. I waited 16 hrs and was no where near the safe zone. You need to be sick. You need to be in WD. Trust me, it's better that way. Doesn't sound like it, but it is. Hope that helps. I'm sure there are more knowledgable people that can tell you more. Take care and good luck. Oh, warning... sub is very addictive. Think about it. How bad is your habit? I was taking up to 300mg oxy (prescribed) and kicked off the sub on day nine. Still clean! Get off the sub asap or youll end up with a much worse prob. Just my opinion. Maybe sub will work good for you!
no, thanks for all that valuable info. I'm taking 3 Norco's every 4 hours. Been doing this since my surgery 3 weeks ago. I don't know if i can get another refill, i doubt it, so i'm guessing i'll be on the sub. i printed the COWS and will follow it. Been on Sub before the surgery. Went off it right away with no problems so I could take narcotics after my surgery. Do you think from your eexperience that my habit is bad? Moderate? mild? I have no idea. thanks
This is such a tough situation, isn't it? In terms of mg dosage, it's my very personal opinion that it's doable either by a taper or even (dare I say it) cold turkey. It won't be pretty, but how bad do you want it?
On the other hand, in the begining, I was probably MORE mentally addicted when I was taking lower a dose that was "doing it" for me. By the end, the euphoric feeling--even at fairly high doses--was very mild. That's the scary thing about opiates, right? At first they give you energy and smell of opportunity and life and then in no time at all (3yrs for me) they turn on you.
So, I guess what I'm saying is that any habit that has you by the throat, no matter the dosage is bad. I couldnt quit when I was taking 5mg of oxy 4 X a day because it still felt good and took care of the pain. But I somehow quit when I was taking 30mg 6 X a day in addition to 120 mg of oxycontin. Go figure. You get sick of it.
I'm glad you were able to stop the sub, but I wonder if it wasn't too bad because you were able to feed your brain the opiates it wanted?
I have read some pretty bad tales of sub wd. But I have also read of taper methods that worked well for people. Everybody is so different chemically.
Bottomline is that if (heaven forbid), I somehow got back on the pain meds and was at a fairly low dose for a fairly short amount of time, I would either taper or suffer it out. Then again, I did not have a good sub experience, so please take that with a grain of salt.
Last thing, it's such a powerful drug. You shouldn't need all that much. The worst thing I did was try the 16mgs the doc wanted me to take. Even with my opiate intake, I think it was too much for me.
Good luck. You can do it. It doesn't feel like it, but you can.
Very well said! And may I say, that cold turkey is not that hard, better than being on Subs for years, unless one is doing H?
Thank you, sweetlemon!
I admit I dont have a long history of sub use, but I do believe wholeheartedly that you are 100% correct. My dad jumped from pain meds to sub, it worked very well for him for a year and then it too turned on him. It was months of pain to get off. This was a few years ago and his dr did have him taper, but not as well as what is recommended on this forum. Bottomline is that you'll have to pay the piper somehow at some point. I think, anyway. You play, you pay. Luckily (lmao) I was so sick even on the sub that I decided I may as well get it all over with at one time. It's been almost a month and I'd say I'm at arounf 65% of my self.
BTW, for the past month I have been reading, reading, reading this forum. You and many others have been my unsung heros. So, to everyone who has offered their experiences, THANKYOU! There are many "silent" people on the forum... too sick to post. Your input is appreciated by many more than actually post. :)
How very kind of you, could you be any sweeter?
And I agree one must pay the piper indeed !!! Why not get it over with as quickly and painfully as possibly... LMAO too !!!
That's a good question? I never heard of this before, but i think i went through it? I took a suboxone, after being off from them for 2 weeks, and OMG, i was so sick! I have a bad toothache... i mean bad! So, i went ahead and used mostly oxys for the pain. I took a suboxone, and i felt like dying!! I don't know what to do now? I need to have oral-surgery. So what do i do for pain relief?
Hi sue52,
Please post your own Question!! You need and deserve attention and FAST GIRL!! I shall await your Q!!
Best wishes to you sue52!!
Tough one.
Having gone through precipitated wd on Dec 28, 2010, I can tell you that I would rather have a tooth pulled with a plier. ALL of them.
And my PW didn't last a measly few hours... we're talking days of complete hell.
I agree that a vic is weak and that when the sub knocks the opiates off it won't be like coming off 300mg. Dear Lord... you want to die, but you don't.
If I were you, I would wait on the sub... for at least 12 hrs to be sure. If it was a 5mg vic, it shouldnt be too bad. If it was more... Wait longer. On the other hand, if you are in danger of a serious relapse, take the suboxone--you may not feel good, but it will scare you from dipping again.
hang in there. Really. I've come so close to taking that sliver of a oxy, but the thought of having to go through this again deters me. Every day. Multiple times a day. Right now. :) Don't beat yourself up over it. that would be the worse thing to do. Youre doing good. Keep telling yourself that.
Ok I am new to this whole thing and very confused. I take hydro's every once in a while for fun. I took one yesterday around 11am and around 4pm a friend of mine gave me 4mg of sub she said it was cool kinda feels good. I took it and have been puking like crazy ever since. Is there anything that I can do to stop this feeling, I have some Xanax, a thc cookie, and some Tylenol 4 but I'm afraid to touch anything. Help me please!!!
I am on Sabox also... I think you will be ok? R u just takin 1?
hydrocodone is fairly weak and has a short half life. I would wait a total of 6 hrs before you take your suboxone. Chances are you would go into PWD's if you took it before the hydrocodone has wore off. Good luck...
Hey mpvt, where have you been. I sent you 2 pq's thanking you for your invaluable info of walking when trying to taper off subs, it totally worked and was wd free when I jumped. Thank you again. Patti
I would also say that your receptor sites are pretty well saturated after two weeks on the subs. Please wait. You took vic's just this morning.
chris I accidentally gave ye the TD !!! Sorry my friend.
bummer. It was so funny you mentioned that. Well, not really. But up at kids house over Christmas, she got a new touch screen notepad, and I gave 3 thumbs down in a row! Darn thing was super sensitive. Had a few ooops! Sorry's myself! Don't worry about it...
YES! You need to wait!! Even though you had no reaction to the hydro, it's still in your system and resuming the subs may very well throw you in to precips! Be safe and wait at LEAST another 24 hours. The subs will still be working for another day or so even though you haven't dosed for 24 hours. Everyone is different but you really do need to wait.
Be safe,
Thank God you showed up chris!!! I figured sparky might go into precip, yet did not want to give wrong info.
Does suboxone stay in system for 5 days or am I wrong on that?
What I remember from Patti (the expert here) is that once your receptor sites are saturated with the subs, you stop taking them, they can continue to work for a few days, holding back wd's.
But from what I read, not from Patti, when you take a vic, you can't take a sub for at least 48 hours. Regardless of whether the vic's worked or not.
Wait at LEAST 12 hours bud or you will be sorry.
Hi sparky,
The symptoms feel as if you will meet your maker!!! Vomitting, other tummy problems, horrible body aches, I could go on and on, yet will not.
Please wait for pattishan61 or christine to answer your Q.
If you go into prec. WD you are gonna feel like hell!!!
Be careful, and let us know how you are doing,
But I don't know IF this will make me go into pwd, thats my main question.
I know that was your question, yet I can not tell you if you'll go into PWD, that is why I wrote to wait for chris or patti to answer. Try calling your pharmacist about your question if you are in need of an answer asap!!!
Let us know what is going on?
Good idea, I will call the pharm! Thanks, why didn't I think of that? lol
You probably didn't think of it because you feel sh#tty? Or are terrified?
Please let us know what pharmacist says!!
lsien to sweetlemom and Christine they are the best and will guide you down the path I care also
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suboxone, opiate dependence, opiate withdrawal, hydrocodone, addiction
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