I hardly get a full night's sleep anymore because it seems like I always have to pee whether I drink before bedtime or not. I don't use alcohol and do most of my intake of fluids during the day.
Overactive Bladder - I wake up about every 2 hours because I have to use the bathroom?
Question posted by gailandrews on 24 March 2013
Last updated on 9 February 2020 by Kianti
3 Answers
Like you I was up every 2 hours to pee, have tried medication without success and my kidney count dropped to 47, possibly due to several UTIs caused by the meds. I have only one kidney and decided to further reduce my salt intake to help my kidney. I immediately started sleeping longer between bathroom visits, I now often get 5 and a half hours. I feel so much better and my kidney count has now gone up to 50. I googled reduced salt for over active bladder and found the Japanese have done a recent study that showed reduced salt does help.
Hi there are things you can do to improve this problem. Bladder training can be really effective. It works by helping change the way you use the bathroom. Instead of going whenever you feel the urge, you urinate at set times of the day, called scheduled voiding. You learn to control the urge to go by waiting -- for a few minutes at first, then gradually increasing to an hour or more between bathroom visits. There are also medications available, called Anticholinergics. Examples of these are Vesicare, Ditropan, and Enablex. Talk to your doctor about treatment...
Also be sure that you are fully emptying the bladder. Many times, as we women get older, our bladders do not fully empty when we void so we go around with our bladders always half full and therefore they fill quickly. Be sure to sit for a while to be sure that you are emptying all the way. Lean forward while on the toilet and press in and down on the abdomen above your pubic bone to encourage the bladder to fully empty. Practice Kegal exercises too so that your bladder tone is at its best
One thing overlooked is if you are getting any swelling in your legs during the day. If so, when you go to bed and have them elevated, the fluids would leave your tissue giving you more fluid to pee.
thanks for responding, but there is no swelling going on (yet) just 2-3 visits per night after I have gone to sleep. Just can't stay asleep. Maybe it's part of what happens when you get to be in your 60's but I sure would like to have a whole night's sleep!!!
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overactive bladder, sleep, bladder
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