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Is there an over the counter medicine that is similar to Acyclovir Cream?

5 Answers

Care_bear73 6 Aug 2021

acyclovir cream can be found on amazon with a prescription for $156.00 still a lot of money,but far less than typical pharmacy. I hope this helps.

Votes: +0
tduest15 11 Oct 2016

Yes, most if not all Acyclovir topical creams are OTC in Europe. Walk into any drugstore or supermarket and buy it. Cost is $5-10 per 3gram tube

Votes: +1
Care_bear73 6 Aug 2021

I tried to update my answer ,but for some reason it won't let me. Hopefully she'll see your response.

grgrandma 6 Sep 2014

My gr granddaughter's insurance will not cover Acyclovir. Ever since she and her brother have received the chicken pox vaccine, they have gotten terrible lesions on their face. Her's is on her cheek bone and up on temple into hair. Touches edge of eye. Dr prescibes Acyclovir cream and insurance will not cover this script. Cost at Walgreens is $674 for a tube. We found it at a private pharmacy for $570 and the ointment (Dr said just as good) for $470.

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The4goods 1 Feb 2015

I believe that you could go to a planned parent hood for help or to the local teen clinic. They may have options. Your poor babies! Any chance you can call the insurance company? Ask them for an appeal... I would asap take them to a dermatologist instead of a pediatrician... AND try to boost their immune system

biscuit6 27 March 2015

I have ordered items from all day chemist from India and have never been disappointed. Although i have not bought acyclovir before from them, they do sell two generic types of acyclovir for 2 dollars for 5 grams. The only problem is shipping is 25 dollars and will take between 15-21 days. I just read that the 1000 dollar a pill hepatitis drug in US will cost 10 dollars for generic version in india. Read reviews for all day chemists, i think they have good reviews. I am thinking about buying some myself because abreva is not working. Good Luck

B1478 5 Sep 2016

You can buy it in London at the grocery store otc
For about 10$ american.

DzooBaby 19 Nov 2012

I was going to say the same thing as Kaismama. Abreva will help a cold sore heal faster but it is not the same thing as Zovirax or acyclovir. Abreva is not an antiviral like acyclovir. For that, you need a prescription. I wish they would make acyclovir topical OTC. If you have genital lesions or mulitple lesions, you are going to be best served by calling your Dr to see if he will call in some acyclovir cream or best yet, both cream and pills.

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kaismama 19 Nov 2012

If you're dealing with cold sores, abreva is the closest to anything that will help them heal faster. There isn't an antiviral cream over the counter.

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acyclovir, medicine, cream

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