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Do oranges interact with drugs?

3 Answers

Chyk41 8 Feb 2013

No oranges do not interact with the drugs and grapefruit only interact with the statin drugs and increase the amount of the drug in your system.

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Inactive 8 Feb 2013

This is absolutely WRONG. Grapefruit interacts with many drugs. It speeds metabolization of some, and slows it for others. Try googling something like this for a non-comprehensive list: 'grapefruit drug interactions 2012'.
Non-comprehensive, because the list is still expanding.

Chyk41 8 Feb 2013

I was referring to the medications the person is taking, they are the ones listed and asked about.

talloaks 8 Feb 2013

Hi Chyk41 - thank you so much for your response, i very much appreciate!

talloaks 8 Feb 2013

Thank you S Curtiss - i appreciate your response

Inactive 4 Feb 2013

Hello tailoaks. Citrus can interact with a drug. Could you mention the name of the drug please. Regards pledge

Votes: +0
talloaks 4 Feb 2013

Hi - thank you so much - wondering if fresh oranges eaten when any of these drugs are taken will inhibit their potency or cause adverse problems: baby aspirin, lisinipril, metoprolol, plavix,gylburide, pravastatin?

kaismama 4 Feb 2013

I was talking to my pharmacist about that because of the grapefruit thing, and she said its just grapefruit, no other citrus fruits.

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