i been on 10mgs of Valium 3x a day i dont know if theres anything they can give me stronger been on Valium for 8 moths i have very sever anxiety and probs so they want to keep me on a benzo but im building a tolerance its like im not even taking it (but i still feel alil of it the voices are still suppressed they said that was from my anxiety and so is the thing where everything appears fake and i feel out of body and faint its a ongoing list) but the feeling of unreality and things looking fake are coming back cause the meds work only 30mins after taking then its like nothing i dnt want to be sedated cuz i have 2 lil girls to watch but cant watch them if my anxiety and alls acting up when its that bad i cnt be alone at all i dnt even leave the house really but i dont want the doctor to take away the Valium and not give me nothing (YES i have had psychiatrist say before well if this dont work i ran out of ideas sorry youd have to live with it) any suggestions as to something stronger that wnt pass me out i was gonna ask about ativan but heard it was weaker then Valium i no its halflife is less thats how some people determine a meds strength anyone no a strong benzo with a good half life my doc could put me on b4 i tell him i think im getting a tolerance and he dumps me :( oh and they do want to keep me on a benzo cuz the other meds they mixed with my Valium before gave me reactions all the time they got tired of doing it they said if the benzo gives no bad side effect stay on that but like i said i think i got a tolerance i cant take xanax cuz i blackout and walk around with no memory and klonopin makes my hair fall out and makes me really irritable can anyone tell me what i should do is ativan stronger or is there something else cuz the docs here arnt that nice i tell them i have one prob with a med and they give up and i seen dozens of docs the one i see now seems good so far though...