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Will omega fish oil show up as an amphemine on drug tests?


kaismama 4 April 2013

It certainly shouldn't but urine drug screens aren't very reliable and many things can cause false positives.

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happybrandee 8 April 2013

No it shouldn't! but please don't blame the urine drug screen!! I take fish oil too and I get a Urine drug screen at the very least once a month sometimes more. I am getting really tired of repeating myself on this subject, but... Urine drug screens are ONLY unreliable if they are a quick test!!! If the urine is sent to a reliable lab for testing they are just as reliable as a blood test!!
I have been getting urine drug screens done , like I said, at least once a month and up to 10 times a month for the last 12 years and the only time that you get a false positive test is when the test is done by a quick test or a "dip stick", which is the same thing as a quick test. These are preliminary test only and can give you a false positive test or vice-versa, but , if the urine is sent to a lab for testing you can be sure that the test is reliable.
I really hope that someone out there can verify what I am saying about this subject because I am really tired of having to repeat this... lol free discount card

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fish oil, fish oils, drug test

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