Hi Its my 4th day on Falgyl . I have 3 more daysleft of 500 mg twice a day .
Lastnight after my second dose that day I felt tingling pain in my left leg . I decided to take it again this morning regardless of the tingling , and an hour after taking the dose this morning I experienced even more tingling and numbness but in my right arm . My arm felt very heavy ..
I am supposed to take another dose now , but I am wondering whether I should discontinue taking it , because I read if you exerpeience tingling and numbness you should stop taking it immedietly . Anyone else experience this ?
Should I continue or stop taking it ? I can't talk to a doctor because it's 8:30 at night .

I don't want to end up with nerve damage ! Will this small dose of 500 mg twice a day for 7 days result in nerve damage , as I am apparently very senstive to it ?

Thank you