I have been bleeding pretty heavy for almost two weeks. The bleeding started a few days after taking the pill. My period had just ended two days before I had sex. It started out like spotting, and then turned into what felt like my period. I had cramps and my normal period bleeding. I'm just wondering if this is normal or not and if the bleeding will stop soon. I had sex with a condom on but it fell off, I didn't think I could have gotten pregnant but I took the pill just in case about 2 1/2 days later. Any responses would help. Thank you.
Is it normal to be bleeding for almost 2 weeks after taking Plan B?
Question posted by samhill on 13 March 2017
Last updated on 21 September 2017
Yes, Plan B can cause irregular bleeding. It can be irregular for weeks or sometimes months.
Thank you. Is there still a chance of pregnancy?
Yes. Women can bleed during pregnancy so it's best to do a pregnancy test when your next period would be due.
So it is normal to have very heavey bleeding for more than two weeks???
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plan b one-step, emergency contraception, sex, period, bleeding, spotting, pill
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