Increasing debilitating fatigue and minor lightheadedness over the last 15 months. Lack of interest in hobbies of which I have many. 66 years young, never been on an SSRI. My PCP suggested checking ALL physical causes first and so far has found nothing. Believe me, everything was checked. She recently prescribed 25 mg of Zoloft for 30 days which I took with zero results, if anything an increase in fatigue and lightheadedness. She then switched me to 5 mg of Lexapro and then changed the dose to 10 mg after 10 days of no results.

Does the med switch set the "counter" back to zero? Should I be thinking in terms of 6 to 8 weeks after the dosage increase before even beginning to determine whether this is a good route? Thanks so much. After some lurking I've seen some excellent comments here!