Neurontin, gabapentin, fibro... anyone have an odd reaction, I am trying it again, and I'm?
Question posted by Anonymous on 30 Dec 2011
Last updated on 5 March 2022
HYPER!! Neurontin helps with the pain, but Jeez! I am running around like a nutball, OK nuttier than usual. Just feel hyper on it, not unpleasantly so, and not anxious, just full of energy. Anyone else? Perhaps I've been fatigued so long, that having energy feels odd? Anyone?
I can take gabapentin but not Neurontin or lyrics. Felt strange as if I was very tired and space .
Votes: +0
12 Sep 2018
I just took my 1st dose of 150mg last night & it kept me up. Took the other 150 this morning & I was so energized!! I’m scared to take it tonight but look forward to tomorrow morning! Unfortunately it didn’t help the nerve pain in my foot so I may need a higher dose.
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Laurel Archuleta
11 April 2018
Hi, I was taking 300mg for nerve pain and then got shingles. My PA upped it to 300mg, 3 times a day increasing to 600mg, 3 times a day. At first it gave me the energetic almost hyper feeling but I have been taking this dose for about 2 months and I feel just fine. It had really helped the pain from the shingles which have now cleared up but I still take the higher dosage to prevent permanent nerve damage. I feel it has been successful. If it helps your pain, give it a bit and see if the unwanted side effects subside. Respectfully, Sunshine
Votes: +0
11 April 2018
Wow. Just started this med and I feel exactly the same way. I was searching to find out if this is a common side effect
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3 Feb 2018
Yes, I am having this issue! I’m supposed to take it BID but there is no way! I immediately get a high off the medication and then it turns into this energy as if I drank a few energy drinks. I don’t drink caffeine anymore and now I’m extremely sensitive to it or anything that boost energy. This medicine is not supposed to do this but I’m not gonna complain.
Votes: +1
2 Feb 2018
I am also hyper, much like 6 cups of coffee or more. I usually have adverse reactions to things tho so I think that I will start taking it in the morning.
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11 April 2018
Your comment is way more recent than others. I'm full of energy and talking way more than I usually do
8 Feb 2019
I am the same way. Day three on N and woke up feeling raring to go after being bed ridden for a year. Like it but going to titrate down a bit to lessen this side effect. As it is I take 50mg by breaking open the capsule. Will go down to 25mg's tonight.
1 Jan 2018
I have been on it for a week and yes so much energy. Plus the pain I had is completely gone.
Votes: +0
6 Jan 2013
I had to take Neurontin at night. It had me drowsy in the day. Keep a check on your blood sugars. It will up your levels even if you are not a diabetic.
Votes: +0
6 Jan 2013
I am so happy I found your question because I have talked to both my Dr. and pharmacist about how hyper the nuerontin makes me and they looked at me like they have never heard that before. Both said no it usually makes people tired. Anyway YES, totally gives me energy and makes me hyper. I wonder if it's addicting?? So glad I found someone that feels the same! Your post is a while ago so please let me know if you still take it and if it still makes you hyper... I'm sure the hyper feeling eventually goes away.
Votes: +2
7 Sep 2017
I hope you receive this. Did the hyper feeling subside eventually? I'm experiencing the same thing
7 Jan 2012
i'm on it too but it knock's me out @ other it does give me energy !
Votes: +1
31 Dec 2011
Hey sweets,
Just wanted to add that my sister took Neurontin (gabapentin) for some time but had to stop because it made her jittery, hyper and basically manic. Hopefully, as you adjust to the medication, these side effects will subside. May have to taper up more slowly. Give it time, especially since it is working.
Love ya, Laurie
Votes: +3
31 Dec 2011
Hi Laurie, I started with 300mgs once daily, then 300 two x a day. Still a bit hyper! But I AM sleeping now, had a few nights of insomnia there. I hope my memory doesn't go the way of the dinasoaur!! Thanks girl!
21 Dec 2019
I've taken gabapentin for years for depression/anxiety and back issues. It does me the same way (hyper, jittery, manic and snarky! I also effects my short-term memory) if I take a higher dose, like 600. I usually take 300 mg and that is my limit. However, if I don't take it I feel like a zombie and have absolutely no energy.
30 Dec 2011
I tried taking it two separate times. The first time, I stopped pretty quick because it made me so dizzy. The second time (about 6 months later), I tried it again--slowing increasing the dosage. Then I slowly decreased the dosage. It did nothing for the pain. I still had the dizziness and an overall "creepy" feeling. Also, I wasn't sleeping. I've been "on" Lyrica for a couple months now. First 75 mg twice a day and now 150 mg... I'm still not sure about it. Maybe it's working a little, but not majorly. Maybe I need more??? Dr. appointment in a couple weeks.
I hope this helps... a little. For me--just say NO to gabapentin.
Votes: +1
Ros 2
27 Sep 2018
Hello 505eva, How is Lyrica helping you? I've been taking it since 2008 at 100mg a day, my Rheumatologist does not recommend Gabapentin for me (stated that it could make me hyper.) I have Alprazolam added to my regimen to control my anxiety which also helps with the pain. Wishing you well & take care
30 Dec 2011
Lara, my hubby takes 1200mg of gabapentin in the evening. He was suppose to take 2 in the morning & 2 at night, but they made him tired so he takes them all in the evening. I hear others say is makes them tired too. Two peas in a pod we are! I always had reverse reactions to most meds too! If it's helping, & no adverse side effects like you breathing or hives etc... take one in the AM, & one about dinner time. Maybe as Rajive says, take a xanax at bedtime to calm you down. Just my thoughts...
Votes: +2
30 Dec 2011
Mary, I am getting really worried about you!! Please, call or text after your tests are over??? xoxo
30 Dec 2011
Just sent you an email!
31 Dec 2011
Got your email Mary, just promise ER, if things take a turn for the worse??? xoxo
I have taken Gabapentin & have felt hyper, it made feel a bit dizzy too, but you could also say that I work for about 11 hours a day, it was recommended to be taken at night, please avoid driving when you have taken Gaba.
Cheers & stay well hail & hearty, take care, best wishes!
Votes: +1
30 Dec 2011
Thank you RG, but if I take it at night I shall NEVER sleep!! It has made me a bit dizzy too, and I'm not a blonde! (just a joke, no offense to our lovely blonde people!!) It most certainly has helped the pain. The bad thing is I took it last year, and went off, yet don't recall why I discontinued it! I really need to keep a log of how I react to meds, maybe all of us should do so? Lara xoxo
Rajive Goel
30 Dec 2011
Lara, I take 0.5mg of alprazolam each night for almost the last 5 years, last night I took 1mg which knocked me cold, as I guess 0.5mg got immune to my system, maybe try taking a tranquilizer with gaba, bit do take it at night, please.
Stay well my friend, Rajive
30 Dec 2011
Thanks again my friend!!
30 Dec 2011
Hi Lara,
This is half jest and half serious. Any chance you can't remember why you stopped Neurontin because it reduced you memory to 65.7 seconds long? lol
When I took Neurontin a close friend said my memory became so bad I couldn't string 5 sentences together to form a sentence. That was also part jest, but more serious. When I finally quit N it took a long time for my full memory to return. I think close to 1 year. All I remember from taking N was that I couldn't remember anything longer than 1 minute.
30 Dec 2011
THOR... THAT'S IT!!! oh my gosh!! Laughing so hard I gotta go pee!
31 Dec 2011
Wow, Lara! I need some of that! LOL! but I sure don't need anything to make my memory any worse than it is! Please let me know how it works (and about side effects)! If you don't mind. My doc mentioned that to me yesterday as something in case plan A doesn't work. I hope what he prescribed will work well and I won't have to try something else, but there's a reason I stopped taking them all those years ago. Best of wishes for it to work for you! And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
31 Dec 2011
Hi Mimi, I'll let you know how neurontin/gabapentin works after I've been on it for a few weeks my friend, so far I'M JUST HYPER!! Lots of energy, but like Thor said, memory problems! SIGH! Lara xoxo