I am taking Naltrexone.
Is anyone aware of a wallet card that can be used to notify emergency personnel?
Question posted by psychnurse on 22 July 2009
Last updated on 28 November 2009 by Princess22008
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6 Answers
In my area there is a card for your wallet and one for your fridge that has all your meds, Dr's name and address, emergency contact info and any meds and medical conditions. I get mine from the senior center in the next town over and they are free. They also come in a little plastic sleeve that is red and says "file of life"
For info on pocket size card, looks like you have plenty of answers! I thought that the following information is really awesome for your home:
It was created by the Red Cross in 1981. The information is placed in a ziploc bag on your refrigerator:they supply you with an information form for your MEDICAL HISTORY, however, a personal photo, DNR, latest cardiogram or insurance information can be available to first responders , & easily taken along with the patient. The kit contains TWO WEATHER PROOF STICKERS: ONE IS PLACED ON YOUR FRONT DOOR OR WINDOW INDICATING THAT COMPLETE MEDICAL INFO IS ON THE FRIDGE DOOR IN A BAGGIE . The second sticker is placed on the fridge door on the baggie with the info!
It is called. : VIAL OF LIFE, located @ VIALOFLIFE.COM, where you can also maintain this info. THEY WILL SEND YOU THE KITS FREE, AS MANY AS NEEDED!
TWO PH #'s to request the kits: (888)724-1200, or (888)931-1010.
It just another safety net . You can never have too many!!
Yes there is a good one on this site underthe profile and interactions checker aream, it is a cool tool, that is also how I stumbled onto these community sites! I also have the ICE application on my phone that lists similar items.
I had agrand mal siezure and my 12 year old called 911, so I decided to keep a few copies of the information in our kitchen drawer so the kids can hand it to the paramedics if needed!
Emergency personnel in a true emergency situation don't spend much time initially looking in your wallet for emergency information, I.D. bracelets and necklaces are looked for the soonest and are the quickest when you're involved in an emergency. I hope you never need it.
enter into your cell phone ICE, which stands for In Case of Emergency, and list an emergency contact, the name of this medicine and any and all notes or numbers. EMT's now check people's cell phones for an ICE entry so they can call a family member.
Hi there. I believe the best thing you could do is set up a Mednotes profile and add your meds. There is a printable medication record with a wallet sized version exactly for this purpose. It is fantastic. If you are a member of Drugs.com already it'll only take a minute or two to sort out. You can find it here...
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- Naltrexone uses and safety info
- Naltrexone prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Naltrexone (detailed)
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