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Does Myrbetriq cause hair loss?

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Rosebeidle 7 Nov 2018

I have been on myrbetriq for almost 2 years. My hair is definitely thinner. After 6 months on drug, I noticed thinner hair and asked my doctor about it. She said she never heard of that side effect. So I thought maybe it was because of my age. Recently it seems much much thinner and after reading the other comments, I am convinced it is this drug!

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bomashisha 20 Nov 2018

I agree, Rosebeidle. There are two many of us experiencing the same problem - hair loss. My biggest fear is that it will continue. I was on chemotherapy about 10 years ago and never lost my hair (due to the type of chemo I was taking). I've never had a problem with hair loss until I started taking Myrbetriq. I think it is terrible that they aren't listing it as a side effect.

Dbev 11 Dec 2018

I started Myhbrtriq about 1 month ago. Within 2 weeks started to experience major hair loss. Like a lot of the previous post, my hair was thick and now it is thinning quickly. I have seen no changes in bladder control and it possibly has caused more problems. I am stopping this medication today.

Inactive 4 May 2019

Having the same problem. Been on myrbetriq for almost 1 year. Since you stopped taking it, have you noticed your hair loss has stopped? or possibly even regrown yet?

Marvell 6 Sep 2013

Hair loss does not appear to be a known side effect of Myrbetriq ... but I suppose it may be possible.

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laneykit 29 Oct 2014

I have been taking Myrbetriq 50 mg for about 2 months now. I love the way it works for me, and that is saying a lot because once my insurance would not carry Detrol LA anymore, I have had four long years of trying one drug after another trying to get the same relief I got from Detrol LA. That said, I am experiencing major hair loss that is comparable to when I have tried to take Elmiron in the past. I know from this experience that the cause of my hair loss is most likely medication related, not environmental, and Myrbetriq is the only drug change I have had in a year. I called my Doctor, but she said it is unlikely. I am about to swap over to a substitute for a few months to try out my theory before I am bald. Has anyone else experienced this?

froggycat 14 Feb 2015

I am losing hair to but it my be something else- stress or other meds . I wondered about the hair loss when my husband said "you are shedding" I am wondering too but I have had a lot of stress lately- caring for my dying mother and her loss and other family health issues. I have been taking myrbetric for about 4 months.

kip694 10 July 2015

I have been taking Myrbetriq for about a year now, and I have lost a huge amount of hair. It has been devastating because I had no clue it was the medication causing it. But I also had another rare side effect with Myrbetriq. While testing to figure out why my hair was falling out, my doctor discovered that my liver was not working quite right. (AST and ALT levels almost 4 times the normal range). I have NEVER been sick with anything in my life other than common colds, etc. In addition, I have NEVER had any alcohol. I just don't drink and never have. There was no reason for the levels to be where they were. My doctor discovered that liver problems were a rare side effect of Myrbetriq. And while she could not find any information on the Myrbetriq causing hair loss, she COULD find information on liver issues causing hair loss.

39peachy47 31 Aug 2017

I am having major hair loss & the only new drug I'm taking is Myrbetriq, so that must be it! I think I'll try 2 Oxytrol patches at a time. I need my hair!! Although the oral oxybutinin gave me nightmares.

Barbie1955 15 Oct 2017

I also am suffering hair loss that is not normal. I have been using Mybetriq for only 3 months and the hair loss worsened in the last month and has gotten bad in the last week. I am no longer going to use this product.

olgajmccray 25 Oct 2017

I have also been taking Myrbetriq for about 3 months and now starting to notice hair loss. I already went through hair loss a few years back when I switched birth control from ortho to mirena. Feels like the same thing all over again... i am going to stop taking this medicine even though it's the only thing that has provided relief... I may have to try some herbal meds or maybe the botox my Urologist suggested. Good luck ladies!

janettesimone 27 Jan 2018

I have been taking Myrbetriq 25mg for 3 months with little success. Dr recommended 50mg which I have been taking for 3 months... and now have major hair loss - this is the only Rx drug I am taking. This hair loss is extremely depressing - have now ceased taking this drug. There is no indication of this side effect on the Myrbetriq information - they need to pay attention to these posts.

Farrah711 16 May 2018

I went to a new Dr and she switched me from Detrol to Mybetric.
After couple months LONG HEALTHY STRANDS in my hands... in shower and when combing out after shower.
Stopped the drug
Still shedding... I had thick LONG strong as rope hair.
Only drug change was that one . Its one year now.
I am now in a full depression.

sandra sartain 17 May 2018

I have been using Myrbetriq for about 3 1/2 months now and am losing my hair at an alarming rate. The only thing different is that I have been taking Myrbetriq. I will be calling my Dr. tomorrow to tell him that I am going to stop taking the medication. Although it works very well as far as stopping bladder leaking, at this rate I will be bald in no time. I would rather wear pads than wear a wig.

Farrah711 16 July 2018

I am still shedding
Stopped it in Oct 2017
Still shedding July 2018.
Major depression.

bomashisha 20 Nov 2018

After taking Myrbetriq for two months, I started experiencing hair loss. I immediately stopped the medication and contacted both my urologist and GP, who both agreed I should stop taking it. Since Myrbetriq was the only drug I had recently started, I feel it is the culprit. However, my GP says it very possibly could be due to my thyroid issues. I've been on thyroid medication for many years with no hair loss problems. However, I have recently lost some weight and my GP has changed the dosage of my thyroid medicine. GP says the hair loss should stop once my thyroid activity is stable. I still feel it is the Myrbetriq. At any rate, I've been off Myrbetriq since October 22nd, so it's been about a month and I am still experiencing a high rate of hair loss. I read here that others have had hair loss for a much longer period of time. Now I'm wondering if this will ever stop. Plus, I am really ticked that nowhere have I found hair loss listed as a side effect of Myrbetriq.

Inactive 4 May 2019

Having the same problem. Been on myrbetriq for almost 1 year. Since you stopped taking it, have you noticed your hair loss has stopped? or possibly even regrown yet? free discount card

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side effect, myrbetriq

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