HydrocodoneAPAP 10/325
My prescription says one tablet every four hours as needed for pain 50ct. When can I refill it?
Question posted by tarisel on 5 Nov 2011
Last updated on 25 May 2015
divide 6 tablets into 50 tablets, and the number comes out are the days pills should last, you can refill 2 days before your script is suppose to run out, so about the 6th day since yo got it. hope this helped, also if your running out early mabe you need something stronger, talk to your dr, mabe he/she will prescribe you someting stronger
One tablet every 4 hours = 6 tablets per day. 50 tablets will last you 8.3 days, or 9 days. Unless your doctor or prescription company have other requirements, you should be able to refill it in 9 days. This medication is very strong - the 10 in 10/325 refers to 10 mg of Hydrocodone, and the 325 refers to the amount of acetaminophen in the tablet. 10 mg of Hydrocodone is the strongest version of this medication - pretty strong! Please be cautious about using this with other medications that might be sedating, and please don't drive while using it until you are certain that your driving is not affected and that you aren't sleepy. Regards -
I get annoyed when people tell others how strong a medication is and to be careful. You build a tolaerance to these meds. When someone tells me that my medication is SO strong and to be careful I hate it. Because I've been on them a long them and for me it works on the pain but borderline. I almost feel guilty that it doesn't work that good when someone else is coming at me saying how strong it is. I would refraine from using comments like this.
You do realize this comment was done 3 years ago? I tailor my comments to the person who knows the least about the medication. You can always not read the comment if it doesn't pertain to you. - ElizaJane23
ElizaJane23: I absolutely agree with you, not everyone is familiar with the chemical composition of the medications prescribed to them. Sadly, there are too many people like Epr7339, whom believe that the entire world should change to accommodate them. What you chose to do was the correct course of action, you opted to educate others in lieu of worrying about people like the aforementioned commentator. So keep up the good work! :-)
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