About a month ago I started experiencing vulvar itching. I self diagnosed a yeast infection, took Monistat 1 and felt better for a couple of days and then the itch returned (full disclosure I did have sex on day 5 instead of waiting 7, ugh). After that I went to see my Doc but her schedule was wild so ended up with FNP who swabbed me and told me it was indeed yeast but sometimes the Monistat isn't enough. She gave me 2 doses of Fluconazole and sent me on my way. Well I ended up taking 3 150mg pills and they did absolutely nothing. I am miserable and getting depressed. It's been diagnosed as yeast infection but now that I've tried the "holy grail" pill everyone talks about with no success I am starting to freak out. I'm taking a probiotic and watching my sugar intake. I've had this infection for over a month and I just don't know what to do next. Should I try the Monistat 7?