... already took the 2nd dose but I did not lay down, in fact I was up and walking all day. Not much of the cream came out but will it still work? It's more irritated than itchy now and I don't have weird vaginal discharge but it's really irritated. I know I should have gotten the 1 dose but will the 3rd dose get it for good?
Monistat 3 - I work at night and usually only take naps so it didn't really fit in my schedule. I?
Question posted by 456654 on 14 May 2015
Last updated on 27 May 2015 by mirandaamcmahon
I am currently in the same boat as you! I took my first dose at 5pm and sat down for maybe an hour then took my next dose at 7am when i went to bed and my last one at 10am the next day then went to the store. My symptoms are completely gone, i think as long as you rly put the meds up there you should still be good even if you are walking around. hope you're feeling better!
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monistat, monistat 3, seizures, down syndrome, vaginal yeast infection, dosage, cream, schedule
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